1. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the initialization of structure variables.
2. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of pointer to and address of operator.
3. Write a C++ Program to create a file with at least five records, each record with following fields.
University Seat Number : Non Zero Positive Integer
Name : Twenty-Five Characters
Marks1, Marks2, Marks3 : Positive Integer
4. Write a C++ Program to demonstrate working of stack of size N using an array. The elements on stack can be integer or real. The operation should be PUSH and POP.
5. Write a C++ Program to demonstrate the working of Queue using arrays.
6. Write a C++ Program to implement circular Queue using arrays.
7. Write a C++ Program to implement priority.
8. Write a C++ Program to construct the singly linked list and to do the following operations
a) Insertion – at front, at end and at any position in the list
b) Deleting a note based on given field
c) Searching a note based on given field
d) Displaying the list
9. Write a C++ Program Implement stack using dynamic variables
10. Write a C++ Program to implement Queue using dynamic variables.
11. Write a C++ Program to do the following operations on doubly linked list.
e) Add at the front
f) Insert at the left
g) Delete the node with given data
h) Display
12. Write a C++ Program to create a binary search tree.
i) Add a node
j) Insert at the node
k) Delete the node with given data
l) Display the tree
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