February 26, 2010




Part - A

Unit - 1

Bio-fluid mechanics: Newton's laws, stress, strain, elasticity, Hook's-law, viscosity, Newtonian Fluid, Non-Newtonian fluid, viscoelastic fluids. Vascular tree. Relationship between diameters, velocity and pressure of blood flow, Resistance against flow

7 Hours

Unit - 2

Flow properties of blood: physical, Chemical and Rheological properties of blood Apparent and relative viscosity. Blood viscosity variation: Effect of shear rate, hematocrit, temperature and protein contents of blood. Casson's Equation. Problems associated with extra corporeal blood flow.

6 Hours

Unit - 3

Bioviscoelastic fluid: Viscoelasticity, Viscoelastic Models: Maxwell, Voigt and Kelvin Models Response to harmonic variation. Use of viscoelastic models. Bio-Viscoelasticfluids : Protoplasm. mucus, saliva, semen, synovial fluids. Rheology of blood in microvessels: Fahreus·Lindqulst effect and inverse effect, hematocrit in very narrow tube.

7 Hours

Unit - 4

Cardiac mechanics: Cardiovascular system. Mechanical properties of Blood vessels: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins, Blood flow: laminar and turbulent. Physics of cardiovascular diseases. Prosthetic heart valves and replacements.

6 Hours

Part - B

Unit - 5

Respiratory mechanics: Alveoli mechanics, Interaction of blood and lung P-V curve of lung. Breathing mechanism. Airway resistance. Physics of lung diseases.

7 Hours

Unit - 6

Soft tissue mechanics: Pseudoelasticity, non-linear stress-strain relationship, visco elasticity. Structure, function and mechanical properties of skin, ligaments and tendons.

6 Hours

Unit - 7

Measuring principles of Cutometer, Durometer. Electrodynamometer, Microindentometer & Ballistometer.

6 Hours

Unit - 8

Orthopedic mechanics: Mechanical properties of cartilage. Diffusion properties of articular, cartilage, Mechanical properties of bone. Kinetics and Kinematics of joints, Lubrication of joints. Fundamental concepts of Gait analysis.

7 Hours

Text books:

  1. Biomechanics, Mechanical properties of Living Tissues-Y.C Fung,Springer Verlag, Edition2, 1993.
  2. Introduction to biomechanics of joints & joint replacement mechanical Engg-D.Dowson, V Wright 1987 publication.
  3. The biomedical Hand book-Joseph.D.Bronzino CRC Press, 2nd Edition2, 2000.



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