September 13, 2010

1. WRITTEN (VERBAL 20 + QUANTS 20 + ANALYTICAL 15) Time : 60 min 55q + 5 min for an essay.
3. HR

Written round was really very easy, Time management is very much essential to clear this round. Refer ChetanaSinterview for the previous papers, questions were asked on same pattern.. The time consuming questions were of that * means +,- means / type.. Aptitude was fairly easy, You can do those if you are familiar with regular RS Agarwal type problems.
For Verbal part, no need of GRE Barrons.. All are simple. Written was conducted as batches by merittrac, After the first 60 mins of your written, you will be given a topic to write an essay for one page. Don’t worry;
After written, we were separated into batches and sent for Group discussion. The judge for our panel was a good one. He encouraged us in the beginning before our discussion and asked us whether he could give us a topic? We all agreed and he gave us a simple topic with an assurance that we all would be able to speak in that topic. The topic given to us was “RESERVATION SYSTEM IN INDIA”. Our discussion went on for 7 min, everyone spoke well, I spoke 2 to 3 times with some valid points and at the end he said, “Good Discussion, So I select following ppl : he started reading out the names. And finally 10 out of 13 ppl were selected from our group. We were really glad and he wished us for our interviews. They didn’t eliminate many from this round, they just see how well you are able to put forth your points in a group. Some of the other Group Discussion topics were: “BLACK”, ”SUNNY DAY” etc
After Group discussion, we were sent for the HR interview. My HR interview went on really well. When I entered the room, he greeted me by my name; I was glad and wished him. Accenture people were very professional. Usual HR questions like Tell about yourself? Your strengths and weakness were asked. He asked whether I hold any offers. I answered no. He asked why I didn’t get through other companies. I answered them confidently with valid reasons. Then he asked me “How do you differentiate yourself from the guys sitting out? “. I answered him politely but at the same time confidently. He smiled and told me to wait outside for the results. The key to clear this round is confidence. Just answer confidently. For people those who didn’t clear, they were intimated immediately once the interview was over.
For my final interview I waiting around 5 hrs, It was around 10 o clock when I attended the interview. Here again, he greeted me with my name. He asked me to tell about myself. I started telling and mentioned that I was a chess champion, Then he started asking me about various chess positions and its variants. Once when I was feeling confident he jumped to technical, He asked me questions From C like what will happen when you compile your program? Difference between machine code and object code,? what is executable? What will happen when you switch on the computer? I answered him confidently. Then he told me to wait outside for the results. In other technical panels questions from Java, C++, operating systems were asked. Again be confident in answering, if you don’t know the answer tell them frankly. Just be thorough with your basics and you are through this round.



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