September 22, 2010


ACCENTURE PAPER & INTERVIEW - 19 AUG 2004 - CUSATDBMS/Accenture Aptitude Questions

1. data model is
a) Entity b) Constriants c) Entity relationship d) All the above
ans:- c

2. Choise the correct one select ,emp.age from emp1,emp2 where emp.sno = 456;
a) cluster   b) non-cluster c) index   d) none of these

3. What is index?
a) atrendum selectio of colum
ans) a

4. Match the following
1- one to one      a) manager to employ
2- one to many    b) employ to employ
3- many to one    c) unique object
4- many to many d) employ to manager
a) 1-a ,2-b ,3-c,4-d b) 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b c) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b d) 1-d,2-b,3-a,4-c           ans) c

1     max     222
2     allen     333
3     rony     444

Select from first where first.age = (select first.age from first where first.sno = 3);
a) max   b) allen   c) rony   d)  noneof these

6. THERE were 3 question on same type of queries(u should be good in foreign key relationship and relationship with in a single table).
7. One question was based on INDEX

8. Also one more mapping relationship given based upon the figure.


9. Questions based upon equality of number's  means  three no's given  
a) if all equal
b) if 1,2 same
c) if 2,3 same
d) none ..
DAM -easy

10. Questions based upon equality of symbols  means if + means * and * means / and - means + and + means -
then mean of 28*40/4+2-6

11. Question upon set theory means   if 100 r selecting in maths and 90 in physics 120 in chemistry & 22 in phy& maths both ,33 in maths & chemisty both 44 in ches & phy 11 in all  then
1. How many only in maths  .
2. Only in physics
3. Only in chemistry  .
4. How many in atleast 2 

12. Question on pointers
13. On file handling
14. On functions .
15. Structures and unions
16. From bitwise

17. Inheritance
18. Scope of protected
19. Static member function
20. File handling
21. Copy constructor

HR - Interview
22. If u have any question then ask me ..( it was asked as a first question in interview from many .)
23. UR family background
24. UR education background
25. If i will not select u then what u will do ????
26. Tell me abt urself.
27. what u think u should devolp in urself..
28. why u want to join accenture

Technical  Interview
29. What is the need of normalisation in data base.
30. 1-5 all normalise forms( from many they directly asked 4th and 5th normanilise..(mostly from m.c.a.'s)
31. What is semafore in o.s.
32. What is paging and demand paging.
33. How memeory works in a computer system.
34. How recursion works in c
35. Which data structure used in recursion.
36. deference between structure n union.
37. What is erp ..(accenture having work in erp as we m.c.a's having erp in 3rd sem so the person highlighted or wrote sth in resume ,they asked abt erp from them only).
38. What is reengineering in erp
39. If u have too much cash in ur hand, then what u will do in behalf of the company



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