NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY LOGIC JNTU previous years question papers
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions.
All Questions carries equal marks.
1. Explain the following terms:
a] Resting potential
b] Nernst equation
c] Action potential
d] Refractory periods
e] Chemical synapses [3+3+3+4]
a] Resting potential
b] Nernst equation
c] Action potential
d] Refractory periods
e] Chemical synapses [3+3+3+4]
2.a] Discuss the simplified model of an artificial neuron.
b] What are the three basic elements of a neuronal model? [8+8]
b] What are the three basic elements of a neuronal model? [8+8]
3. Illustrate the training and classification of continuous perception with an example.[16]
4. Illustrate back propagation algorithm with your own training sets, and explain.[16]
5. Describe the architecture of BAM. [16]
6. Discuss the measure of fuzziness and dissonance. [16]
7. Discuss the fuzzy rule based system. [16]
8. Write a short notes on decision surface
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