October 29, 2011

CS1401 Internet Programming question papers Apr/May 2008 Previous Year Anna university question papers Download

CS1401  Internet Programming question papers Apr/May 2008 Previous Year Anna university question papers Download

Seventh semester
Computer Science and Engineering

CS 1401 - Internet Programming
(Regulation 2004)

Time: 3 hours                                                                Maximum marks: 100
Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)

1. List out the devices used to form Internet work and specify each one of its purpose.

2. What is the use of MIME?

3. What is mean by Serialization of objects in java?

4. Write a java program to load and display an image.

5. State about the different usage  of  HTML frames.

6. List out the objects involved in java script with its purpose.

7. Define DHTML event bubbling.

8. Write down the DHTML syntax for bind an image to the data and sort the data in the data source.

9. Write about Servlet Life Cycle.

10. Define Servlet Cookies

PART B (5 x 16 = 80)

11.(a)Explain the states involved in making the communication using TCP/IP with neat diagram (16)


(b)Write a program using CGI and explain how CGI works(16)


12. (a) Explain java networking using sockets with your own example program (16)


(b)Write a java program for creating Email client and protocol handling(Using URL connection).(8+8)

13.(a)Write a HTML program for the registration of new customer to the online banking system.(customer data collected using a Form, after submitting account number and type of account and user name, password is displayed as output). (16)


(b)(i)Write a javascript to print a mark list for 10 students in a HTML table.

(ii)Write a javascript that inputs a telephone number as string in the form of(555) 555-5555.The script should use string method split to extract the area code as a token, the first three digits of the phone number as a token, the last four digits of the phone number as a token. Display the area code in one Text field and seven digit phone number in another text field. (8+8)

14(a)Apply DHTML chroma and flip filters and reveal Trans transition for an image (8+8)


(b)Write a DHTML program to handle any three mouse events (16)

15(a) Explain how servlet deals HTTP Get and Post request with an example program (16)


(b)Write a program for banking application using JDBC(Consider 5 customer create a/c number and type, set some minimum balance  do credit and debit operation and print consolidated report for month wise Transaction).



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