March 3, 2012

EDUCATION AND SOCIETY IGNOU B.Ed Question Papers 2007 Download


Term-End Examination
Time : 3 hours Maximum Weightage : 70%

(i) All the four questions ere compulsory.
(ii) All the questions carry equal weightage.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.

Describe the aims of education and discuss how these can be realized in a democratic set-up like India.
Describe school as a formal agency of education and discuss its relationship with home.

2. Answer the following question in about 600 words.

Discuss essential tenets of ‘Pragmatism’ as a school of philosophy and explain its importance in the light of ‘curriculum’ and ‘the role of teacher’.


How can students’ and community participation be made effective for proper management of the school ? Explain your answer with suitable illustrations.

3. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each :

(i) Education – its role in preservation of culture

(ii) Education – an instrument of social change

(iii) Vocational Education – its need and importance

(iv) Open Schooling – its need and importance

(v) Inequality in Education – measures to minimise it

(vi) Grading in Examination – its need and significance

4. Answer the following question in about 600 words
As a teacher, you must have come across some students who have dropped out and a few of them were also repeaters. List the different causes of their drop-outs and stagnation which you have found after interaction with students. Suggest measures for reducing stagnation and drop-out.



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