June 2, 2012

ME2027 Process planning and Cost estimation Anna University Question Bank

ME 2027 – Process planning and Cost estimation Final Year Mechanical Engineering
ME2027  Process planning and Cost estimation Anna University Question Bank

Question Bank

Part A ( 2 Marks)

  1.     Define method study
  2.     Mention the objectives of method study
  3.     What are the applications of method study
  4.     Define work measurement
  5.     Mention the types of  process chart
  6.     What is outline process chart?
  7.     What is a two handed process chart
  8.     What is travel chart?
  9.     What is multi activity chart
  10.     Differentiate template and models
  11.     Distinguish flow diagram and string diagram
  12.     Define flow diagram
  13.     Define string diagram
  14.     What is cyclegraph
  15.     What is chronocycle graph
  16.     What is therblig?
  17.     What is SIMO chart?
  18.     What is ergonomics
  19.     Briefly explain ergonomic display design.
  20.     Briefly explain ergonomic design of control.
  21.     What are the factors involved in designing working environment?
  22.     What are the rules concerning principles of motion economy
  23.     Mention the techniques in time study
  24.     Mention the tools used in time study.
  25.     Define standard time
  26.     Mention the allowances in arriving standard time
  27.     What is process allowance?
  28.     What is contingency allowance?
  29.     What is fatigue allowance
  30.     What is personal allowance
  31.     What is interference allowance?
  32.     What is special allowance?
  33.     What is process planning?
  34.     What are the objectives of process planning?
  35.     Mention the activities involved in process planning
  36.     Mention the documents involved in process planning
  37.     What are the approaches to process planning?
  38.     What is manual process planning
  39.     What is CAPP?
  40.     What are the benefits of CAPP?
  41.     Define retrieval CAPP.
  42.     Define generative CAPP.
  43.     What are the components of generative CAPP?
  44.     What are the merits of retrieval CAPP?
  45.     What are the demerits of retrieval CAPP
  46.     What are the merits of generative CAPP?
  47.     What are the demerits of generative CAPP
  48.     What are tools for developing manufacturing logic and knowledge?
  49.     What is decision table?
  50.     What is an expert system shell?
  51.     Mention the parameters fro material selection?
  52.     What is operation and route sheet?
Part B ( 16 Marks)
  1.     Explain the step by step procedure in implementing method study.
  2.     Explain any four tools  involved in method study with neat sketches
  3.     Explain with neat sketches the types of flow process charts.
  4.     Write notes on (i) flow diagram (ii) string diagram (iii) travel chart
  5.     Write notes on (i) therbligs (ii) SIMO chart (iii) multiple activity chart
  6.     Explain the step by step procedure in implementing work measurement.
  7.     Explain the various techniques in work measurement.
  8.     Write notes on (i) performance rating (ii) allowances (iii) standard time
  9.     Explain the importance of ergonomics by mentioning various areas of application.
  10.     Explain in detail the steps involved in process planning.
  11.     Write notes on manual process planning  and CAPP with its merits and demerits
  12.     Explain the procedure for retrieval CAPP with its merits and demerits.
  13.     Explain the components of generative CAPP with its merits and demerits.
  14.     Write short notes on ‘tools for developing manufacturing logic and knowledge’
  15.     Write notes on (i) information required fro process planning (ii) factors affecting process plan.



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