October 31, 2011

MG1401 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT question papers Previous Year Anna university question papers Download

Seventh semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours                                                                Maximum marks: 100
Answer ALL questions
PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)

1.Write the equation that would quantify quality

2.what is meant by vision statement?write a sample one sentence vision statement.

3.Draw the figure to depict customer satisfaction model.

4.Expand 5s

5.In afoundry the castings manufactured are inspected with respect to the four defects namely, blow holes,core shift, honey combing and hot tear design. Design a check sheet to gather data on the total number of castings found defectives due to respective above defects.

6.A spindle with specifications 20 + or- 0.05 mm was machined in lathe.The standard deviation of the spindle machined was found to be 0.25 mm.compute the capability index.State whether the machining process in the lathe is capable of meeting the specifications.

7.Indicate any two strengths and  weaknesses of benchmarking technique.

8.If the specifications are 10 + or – for a particular quality characteristic and the average repair cost is Rs200,determine the loss function.Determine the loss at y=11.

9.Draw the model of process based quality management system given in ISO 9001:2000.

10.Differentiate TS 16949 and ISO 14001 standards.

PART B (5 x 16 = 80)

11. (a ) (1)Indicate the dimensions of quality with examples. (8)
(2) Enumerate the duties of quality control (8)
(b) Enumerate Deming’s 14 points of management (16)

12 (a) (1) Enumerate any eight actions that an organizations shall take to handle complaints (8)
(2)Describe briefly any eight concepts to achieve a motivated workforce in an organization (8)
           (b) (1) Indicate any two items that can be measured under the following titles in an organization : (1) Human resources (2) customers (3) Production                       (4) Research and Development (8)

(b) (2) Describe briefly any eight criteria that need to be considered while developing performance measures in organizations (8)

13 (a) Following table contains data on the weight of plastic component in grams.This component is manufactured using a plastic injection molding process.mean and range charts are required be estabilished for this process.Determine the trial central line and control limits.Draw the mean and range charts and plot the values.State whether the process is under statistical control.if not assume that deviation occurred due to assignable causes which are rectified now.Revise the central line and control limits.Draw the revised mean and range charts and plot the values.state the process is under statistical control. (16)

 Sample number                                             Measurements
                                   x1            x2              x3                x4
 1                               6.35           6.40           6.32             6.37
 2                                 6.46            6.37          6.36              6.41
3                                  6.34           6.40           6.34              6.36
4                                  6.69            6.64           6.68              6.59
5                                  6.38            6.34           6.44              6.40
6                                  6.41            6.40           6.29              6.34
7                                  6.38            6.44           6.28               6.58
8                                  6.35            6.41            6.37              6.38
9                                  6.56            6.55           6.45               6.48
10                                6.38            6.40           6.45                6.37
(b) Describe the characteristics and applications of the following four new seven management tools (1) Affinity Diagram (2) Interrelationship diagraph (3)matrix diagram (4) Process decision program chart. (16)

14 (a) (1) Draw the general structure of ‘house of quality’  and indicate the constituents in it. (8)
(2)Explain briefly QFD Process (8)
(b) (1) What are the six major loss areas that are measured ,tracked and measured in a TPM program?Indicate the method of measuring any two of these major losses. (8)

(2) List the four stages of FMEA and indicate the activities carried out under each stage (8)
15. (a) Consider the company involved in testing the strengths of components.
Currently 50 engineers are working in the company.Explain briefly the steps that the company should take to implement ISO9001:2000 based quality system and obtain the certificate from certifying agency (16)
(b) (1) With the aid of a pyramidial diagram,describe the documentation hierarchy stipulated in ISO 14001 standard. (8)

(2) Enumerate any eight key organization benefits achievable on implementing ISO 14001 based system. (8)



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