October 31, 2011

MG1351 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT question papersAPRIL/MAY 2008 Anna university question papers Download

    Fourth Semester
Computer Science and Engineering


(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours                                                                  Maximum marks: 100
Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)

1. Mention the various skills to be possessed by an effective manager.
2. What do you understand by the term “Sleeping partner/Secret partner” with reference to ownership of business organization?
3. What is strategic planning?
4. Distinguish between policies, procedures and rules.
5. Define the term “Delegation”.
6. What are performance appraisals?
7. Distinguish between job enrichment and job enlargement.
8. Define the term “Grape Vine”.
9. What do you mean by flexible budgets?
10. Define “Management by Exception”.

PART B (5 x 16 = 80)

11. (a) (i) Sketch a line diagram depicting the types of business organization on the basis of ownership. (4 marks)

11. (a) (ii) What do you understand by joint sector companies? Mention the guidelines for the formation of Joint Sector Company.  State the advantages of Joint Sector Company.                                                                                                                     (2+4+2 marks)

11. (a) (iii) Distinguish between private limited company and public limited company.                              (4 marks)

11. (b) Briefly explain the classical approach towards management and the theories coined by its significant contributors.  (16marks)

12. (a) (i)  Explain in detail about the various types of plan.                                                                    (12 marks)

12. (a) (ii) Discuss the various steps involved in decision making process.                                               (4 marks)

12. (b) (i) How is management by objectives understood?  Discuss briefly about the process of managing by objectives. (10marks)

12. (b) (ii) Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of management by objectives. (6 marks)

13. (a) (i) Compare and contrast formal with informal organizational structure.  (4 marks)

13. (a) (ii) Define the term “Span of management”. What do you understand by “flat” and “tall” organization?

13. (a) (iii) Briefly discuss about the various factors which will influence the span of management. (8 marks)

13. (b) (i) What is authority? Why does it exist in an organization? (2 marks)

13. (b) (ii) Explain with example the various types of authority.  Mention the advantages and disadvantages of each type.  (8 marks)

13. (b) (iii) Briefly discuss about the sources of prospective human resources that are available outside the organization.  (6 marks)

14. (a) (i) Is the process of motivating organization members important to managers? Explain.  (4 marks)

14. (a) (ii) Substantiate your answer with help of a suitable motivation theory.  (8 marks)

14. (a) (iii) Briefly discuss about the various leadership styles.  (4 marks)

14. (b) (i) What is organizational communication?  How important is communication to managers? (4 marks)

14. (b) (ii) List and describe micro and macro barriers of the effective communication. (5 marks)

14. (b) (iii) Describe the types of formal organizational communication and explain the general purpose of each type.  (7 marks)

15. (a) (i) Explain the term operations management as well as the major managerial activities involved in operations management. (10 marks)

15. (a) (ii) What is controlling? List and discuss the various steps involved in controlling process.   (6 marks)

15. (b) (i) What is mean by the term multinational corporation?  Compare and contrast between ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric attitudes.  (8 marks)

15. (b) (ii) Briefly discuss about insights that can be learned from Japanese managers about the ways to motivate people and improving organization performance.  (8 marks)



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