April 20, 2010

2009 CBSE Communicative english Question paper General Instructions:

2009 CBSE Communicative english Question paperGeneral Instructions:

The paper is divided into four sections: A, B, C and D.

Section. A - Reading. ( 20 marks)
Section B. – Writing ( 30 marks)
Section C. – Grammar (20 marks)
Section D – Literature ( 30 marks)


All sections are compulsory.

1. Attempt all questions
2. Do not write anything in the question paper
3. Answer the questions in each section before going on to the next section
4. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.
5. Pleas adhere to the word limit given with each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.

SECTION –A (Reading) 20 marks

A.1. Dennis Waitley – The Motivational Speaker

The veteran best-selling author and motivational speaker Dennis Waitley has been in the business of inspiring others for about 40 years . He is one of America's most respected authors and keynote lecturers and productivity consultant on high performance human achievement . With over 10 million audio programs sold in fourteen languages , Dennis is one of the most listened-to voices on personal and career success. He's the author of fifteen non-fiction books which includes several international bestsellers .
Dennis has studied and counselled winners in every field from Apollo astronauts to Superbowl champions , from sales achievers to government leaders and youth groups During the eighties he served as chairman of Psychology on the U.S. Olympic Committee Sports Medicine Council , responsible for performance enhancement of all U.S. athletes .
Dennis says,"It has been a wonderful journey and I'm not trying to stop .I think that my children, grandchildren , great grandchildren keep me going , and I keep re- inventing myself ".
My daughter told me that they thought that they had to work a little hard to be successful , and interestingly both of them have become doctors in psychology . I hope I am learning and becoming a part of the future rather than rehashing information .Of course there are some basics truths that have to be rehashed again and again . I should not say ' rehashing ' ,we are explaining them in a language that is relevant to today's situation .
I travelled a great deal to China and India to see what the newest developing nations are going through to become successful . I think, the challenge for me is to continue to plant shade trees under which I wouldn't sit . So people are asked why don't you retire, but I like to learn and teach . The more I teach , the more I learn , it really is what keeps me going .
I always wondered why some people are angry and sad all the time and why some people are happy . At first I thought that maybe they were born that way. Certainly personality plays a part in it. I was raised during the 'Depression' at the beginning of the Second World War and my grandmother was the dominant influence in my life . She and I planted a ' Victory Garden' and grew our own food. She told me that what was on the seed package, those pictures , would come up if we planted those seeds and then she told me the same thing would happen in my life if I cultivated it . She told me to model my life on worthy people . The hunger in me to be better and to be something led me to understand that the best way to do that would be to help other people .

Earl Nightingale was one of our early twentieth century motivational speakers and philosophers . He coined the term' the strangest secret '. It postulates that we become what we think about most of the time. He became my mentor and he guided me to a record my thoughts because that's what he did.. He told me ' as you do all your work , don't believe that you are a world changer, know that you are just a seed planter and that you are not changing lives .

A.1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the questions given below(10 marks)

1. A motivational speaker is …………………………………………….
2. Examples from the first and second paragraphs to show that Dennis was a great success are:
3. The journey that Dennis talks about is …………………………………………
4. Dennis does not agree to use the word ' rehash' because……………………,,,,
5. What did Dennis' " Victory Garden" consist of ?
6. What kind of people did Dennis try to emulate ?
7. Dennis was ' hungry ' for something . What was it ?
8. Earl Nightingale's " The strangest secret " meant ………………………………

A.1.2. Find words from the passage which mean the following :(2 marks)

1. Advice –
2. Improvement –
3. Gloomy –
4. Role model –

A.2. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow it [ 8 marks]
Nurses song

When the voice of children are heard on the green
And laughing is heard on the hill
My heart is at rest within my breast
And everything else is still .
' Then come home , my children,the sun is gone down
And the dews of night arise ;
Come, come leave off play , and let us away
Tell the morning appears in the skies '
' No , no, let us play it is yet day,
And we cannot go to sleep;
Besides, in the sky the little birds fly
And the hills are covered with sheep.'
'Well, well, go and play till the light fades away
And then go home to bed '
The little ones leaped and shouted and laughed,
And all the hills echoed.'

A 2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions [ 4 marks]
The nurse feels that a heart is interest because ………………………………………
She calls the children to come back, because ………………………………………….
The children try to convince the nurse that it is yet daily by saying that ……………..
And that the …………………………………………………………………………….

A 2.2 Given below are lines from the poem with some words missing . Complete the paragraph using suitable words . [ 4 marks]
Come ,………………………………. and let us away. Till the morning appears in the skies. No , no ………………………………………………………….. play . for it is ………………………………. day. And we ……………………….. sleep . besides , in the sky the little birds fly .



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