March 9, 2010


2007 Anna University B.Tech Metallurgy & Material Technology MY 233 — TRANSPORT PHENOMENA Question paper

MY 233 — TRANSPORT PHENOMENA Question Papers
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A — (10 * 2 = 20 marks)
1. Give Euler’s equation. Also write its applications.
2. Briefly write about the significance of energy balance in fluid flow.
3. Outline the classification of fluid flow.
4. Write Dasey-Weisbach equation. What is its significance?
5. Write a note on Heisler charts.
6. Define thermal diffusivity. Also write its unit.
7. Enumerate the concept of boundary layer in convective heat transfer.
8. Write the expression for heat transfer coefficient. Also give its unit.
9. State and explain Kirchoff’s law of radiation.
10. Write a note on black body.

PART B — (5 * 16 = 80 marks)
11. A viscous fluid is in laminar flow in a parallel plates, a distance 2B apart. The length and width of the plates are L and W respectively. Obtain the expressions for the distribution of velocity, maximum velocity, average velocity and volumetric flow rate. Assume that the liquid is flowing from top to bottom.
12. (a) (i) Discuss in detail the different uses of single tube manometers. (6)
(ii) Derive the equation for pressure drop in a U–tube manometer. (10)
(b) (i) Derive the Bernoullis energy equation for an incompressible fluid flow. (10)
(ii) Discuss in detail about the properties of fluid like density, viscosity and specific weight. (6)
13. (a) (i) Derive the equation for temperature distribution in a transient heat conduction. (10)
(ii) Explain in detail the use of transient temperature charts in transient heat conduction. (6)
(b) An orange of diameter 10 cm is initially at a uniform temperature of 30?C. It is placed in a refrigerator in which the air temperature is 2?C. If the transfer coefficient between the air and the surface of the orange is , determine the time required for the center of the orange to reach 10?C. Assume the thermal properties of the orange are the same as those of water at the same temperature.
14. (a) (i) Briefly discuss about the significance of convective heat transfer coefficient. (6)
(ii) Derive an expression for the temperature profile in a hollow sphere during heat transfer by conduction under steady state. (10)
(b) (i) Derive an expression for one-dimensional heat transfer in a flat wall if K varies with T as where ‘ ’ and ‘a’ are constants. (10)
(ii) Briefly write about the significance of boundary layer development in circular ducts. (6)
15. (a) (i) Two large parallel plates having ’s of 0.4 and 0.6 are maintained at 1000?C and 500?C respectively. The radiation shield having an of 0.03 on both sides is placed between two plates. Determine
(1) heat transfer rate per unit area before and after placing the shield
(2) temperature of shield when placed. (10)
(ii) State and explain Fick’s Law of diffusion. (6)
(b) Write short notes on the following : (4 ? 4 = 16)
(i) Shape factor.
(ii) Gas radiation.
(iii) Emissive power.
(iv) Grey body.




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