November 21, 2011

CD9211 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN DESIGN Anna University previous Year Question paper For ME

First Semester
(Common to M.E. Engineering Design, M.E. Product Design and Development and
M.E. Computer Aided Design)
(Regulation 2009)
Time: Three hours  Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Illustrate the Scan-conversion process of a straight line in terms of pixel  position.
2. Write the mathematical expression to scale a straight line about a fixed point.
3. Write the parametric equation of a plane surface defined by three points P0 ,P1 and  P2.
4. Illustrate the difference between geometry and topology.
5. Sketch the four Boolean operations of a block and a cylinder B.
6. Illustrate translational and rotational sweep models.
7. Distinguish between hidden line removal and hidden surface removal models.
8. State the salient features of RGB color space.
9. Briefly explain the top-down assembly approach. 
10. What is the importance of WCS method in the assembly model?
PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)
11. (a) Derive decision parameters for the Bresenham’s circle generating  algorithm assuming the starting point as (0, 10) and generate the pixel  positions for one forth of a circle.
(b) Explain the Cohen - Sutherland line-clipping approach with proper  sketches.
12. (a) A shaft is to transmit 10 kW power at 1500 rpm. The shaft  is made of  medium carbon steel material. Write a C program to select the material,  design the shaft and create the CAD model.
(b) A flange coupling is to transmit 5 kW power at 1500 rpm. The coupling is  made of cast iron. Write a C/LISP/FORTRAN program to design the  coupling and draw the production drawing of the coupling.

13. (a) Explain the following polyhedral object using B-rep elements and verify  the Euler equation for the same
 (i) Simple Polyhedra.
 (ii) Polyhedral object a face may have loops.

 (iii) Objects with holes that do not go through the entire object.
 (iv) Objects have holes that go through entire objects.
(b) Sketch the following feature operations using CSG.
 (i) Extruded 
 (ii) Revolved feature 
 (iii) Chamber
 (iv) Loft feature
 (v) Pocket
 (vi) Shell
 (vii) Fillet
 (viii) Draft 
 (ix) Rib and 
 (x) Dimple.

14. (a) Explain briefly with sketches any six tests used for hidden line  identification.
(b) (i) List the differences and the similarities between nonlinear sweeps  and lofts.
 (ii) Describe how the variable radius fillet works. When is such one  used?
15. (a) Fig. 15 (a) shows a pin and a block with their MCSs.  The pin and the
instances to be assembled into the hole in the block. Use WCS and write
the transformation matrices to merge the three instances of B into A.

Fig. 15 (a)
(b) Use the bottom-up approach to create the model of  the universal joint
shown in Fig. 15 (b)

Fig. 15 (b)



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