February 15, 2010

CS1401 – Internet Programming 2 mark Question With Answer|Important Questions in CS1401 – Internet Programming

CS1401 – Internet Programming


Subject Code /Name : CS 1401- Internet Programming Year/Semester : IV/ VII

PART A ( 2 marks)
1. Define ports and well known ports
2. Define URI, URL, and URN.
3. Differentiate between IETF and W3C standardization
4. What are the components of HTTP URL?
5. Mention the types of websites.
6. What is the need of SGML?
7. Explain WWW.
8. Name the few protocols used for Email on the internet.
9. Explain HTTP request and HTTP response.
10. What is the difference between absolute URL and relative URL?
11. Define URL encoding.
12. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
13. List the goals of SGML.
14. Define MIME.
15. List the predefined MIME content types
16. What is meant by loop back address?
17. Define CGI.
18. What do you mean by CGI SCRIPT? List its advantages
19. What is meant by web server? Give examples
20. Why do we need scripting languages?
21. What are environmental variables?Give some examples CS1401 – Internet Programming

22. What is the primary function of HTTP server

1. Write a detailed note on standard generalized mark up language. (16)
2. Explain how the server browser communication is established in CGI. (16)
3. Write short notes on Internet standards. (16)
4. Write short notes on MIME. (16)
5. What is SGML and explain about it. (16)
6. Explain TCP and UDP protocols in detail (16)
7. What is meant by CGI Explain in detail about CGI environment variable? (16)
8. a)Write a PERL program to retrieve environmental variables of a server (8)
b)Write a PERL program to validate form details (8)
9. List the 5 layers used by the internet. For each layer you list, give the general (16)
purpose for each layer as well as current implementation
PART A ( 2 marks)
1. Explain about HTTP connection.
2. What is meant by Stateless connection?
3. Write a note on Environmental variables.
4. What are STDIN and STDOUT?
5. What are the different ways to send form outputs to server?
6. What are the two commonly used Request methods?
7. Define packets switched networks?
8. Define socket.
9. What are the basic operations of Server Socket?
10. List all the socket classes in java.
11. What is meant Server Socket?
12. What do you mean by Datagram Socket and Datagram Packet?
13. Give the constructors of data gram sockets in java
14. What is multicast socket?
15. What is multicast address and the range of address?
16. What are the different types of IP address? CS1401 – Internet Programming

17. What is meant by protocol handler?
18. How are protocol handlers implemented?
19. What is content handler?
20. What is the difference between protocol and content handler?
21. What is RMI?
22. What do you mean by remote object?
23. What are the responsibilities of stub?
24. What is the role of skeleton in RMI?
25. List down the layers of RMI architecture
26. Define Object Activation.
27. Write down the Socket object methods to get information about a socket.
28. What is the use of proxy server?
29. What are the main protocols used in TCP/IP model?
30. What is the important difference between writing a java application and java applet ?
1. Explain about RMI. (16)
2. Write a client server program in java. The server can able to serve more than one client.
3. Explain in detail about IO streaming (16)
4. Write a program on SMTP and POP3 program to send and receive email. (16)
5. Write a server client chatting program. (16)
6. (a)Write a program to download a webpage (8)
(b)Write a program to download a image (8)
7. (a)Write a program to download a sound (8)
(b)Write a TCP program to retrieve time and date from the server. (8)
8. (a)Write a UDP program to retrieve time and date from the server. (8)
(b)Write a program to echo the messages sent to server on client (8)
9. Explain how the address of a host can be looked up in Internet in detail (16)
10. Write short notes on SMTP and POP3 (16)
11. Define RMI. Write the steps to implement RMI and write a program to find
factorial of a number (16)
12. Write a Java program for creating Email client and protocol handling using find (16)
URL connection CS1401 – Internet Programming

13. Explain Java networking using sockets with your own example. (16)
14. Write a program in java that determines and prints the number of odd, even and
zero digits in an integer value read from the keyboard (16)

PART A ( 2 marks)
1. Expand WYSIWYG.
2. What is markup?
3. What is meant by a tag and entity?
4. Mention the attributes of

5. Differentiate ALINK and VLINK and LINK.
6. Compare ISMAP and USEMAP of tag.
7. Differentiate row span and column span.
8. What is the use of input box?
9. Which is the default client side scripting language?
10. Differentiate java and java script.
11. Mention the use of new operator.
12. List the attribute of tag.
13. What are the necessities of using HTML forms?
14. What are the sequences of steps for each HTTP request from a client to the server?
15. Define HTML and hypermedia.
16. Give the structure of an HTML program.
17. Define frameset.
18. What is the tag used for inserting a picture in HTML?
19. Differentiate between standalone and container tag
20. What are the advantages of client and server side scripting
21. What are the uses of scripting languages
22. How can the objects and properties be accessed
23. What is the benefit of using JavaScript in an HTML document

1. Write short notes on HTML forms with a example (16)
2. Write short notes on i) image mapping ii) Links iii) Lists iv) Tables (16) CS1401 – Internet Programming

3. Design your own personal webpage using forms and get the values .Use all the form
elements and validate the same using script. (16)
4. Write a HTML code to create the feedback form. (16)
5. Write short notes on JavaScript control structures. (16)
6. Explain the objects of java script. (16)
7. (a)Write a JavaScript program to validate a form (8)
(b)Write a JavaScript program to display date and time (8)
8. (a)Write a JavaScript program to generate random number (8)
(b)Write a JavaScript program to illustrate events and window object (8)
9. Write a HTML program for the registration of new customer to the Online Banking
System(Customer data collected using a form, after submitting account number (16)
and type of account and user name, password is displayed as output)
10. Write a JavaScript program to print a mark list of 10 students in a HTML table (16)
11. Write a JavaScript program that inputs a telephone number as a string in the form
of(555)555-5555.The script should use string method split to extract the area code (16)
as token, the first three digits of the phone number as a token, the last 4 digits of
the phone number as token. Display the area code in one text filed and seven
digit phone numbers in another text filed.
12. Explain how you could use HTML frames to provide a website that includes an (16)
advertisement for your company along with the content from any other web page,
Show that HTML you would need to do this, assume that for your example the other
Web page is www.yahoo.com. Make sure how it explains
13. Write a JavaScript function named draw stripes that will draw a number of (16)
colored stripes by generating an HTML table in which each row has different color.
Your function must accept 3 parameters
a) Width, width of each strip
b) Height, height of each strip
c) Colors, an array in which each element is the name of a color. Each color name
is a valid HTML color (can be used as the value of a BGCOLOR attribute or
CSS color property )

CS1401 – Internet Programming

PART A ( 2 marks)
1. What are Servlets?
2. What are Applets?
3. What do you mean by Server Side?
4. What is protocol?
5. What is ActiveX?
6. Write a note on ActiveX controls.
7. What are style sheets? List out the advantages
8. List down the ways of including style information in a document.
9. Define cascading.
10. What is the purpose of using external style sheets?
11. What are the style precedence rules when using multiple approaches?
12. List down the font characteristics permitted in style sheets.
13. Write a note on content positioning characteristic visibility?
14. Define DTD?
15. What are the events triggered during mouse action?
16. List the events associated with web page?
17. What does DHMTL refer?
18. What is meant by data binding?
19. What is DOM hierarchy? Mention its advantages
20. What are events how it can be handled in DHTML
21. What are filters and transitions?
22. List any four filters and mention its use
23. What is the use of blendTransitions and revealTransitions?
24. What is TDC?
25. Define ActiveX control and how can be added to web page
26. How multimedia data can be added to web page
27. Write a program using Cascading style sheet(CSS) to display the background image
repeatedly in a file
28. Explain DHTML event bubbling
CS1401 – Internet Programming

1. Explain the use of cascading sheets with an example. (16)
2. Explain the role of DOM with example. (16)
3. Explain the various filters and transitions used in web designing with examples. (16)
4. Write shorts notes on events in DHTML. (16)
5. (a)Write a program to illustrate any one of the object in DOM (8)
(b)Write a program to illustrate any one of the keyboard events in DOM (8)
6. Write a program to connect a database to webpage (16)
7. (a)Explain in detail about adding a multimedia data to a web page ( 8)
(b)Explain in detail about adding a ActiveX control to a web page (8)
8. Write a DHTML program to handle any three mouse events (16)
9. Apply DHTML chroma and filter filters and reveal Trans transition for an image

PART A ( 2 marks)
1. Define servlet
2. What are the life cycle methods of servlet
3. Give the difference between CGI and servlet
4. What is servlet context
5. What is the use of ServletConfig interface
6. Differentiate between HTTP get and post methods
7. What is session and session tracking
8. What do you mean by quick response?
9. What is meant by Plug-in?
10. What do you mean by JDBC?
11. Define ODBC.
12. List any tow keyboard events.
13. What do you mean by search engine?
14. List the features of online shopping.
15. How do search engine work?
16. Give some examples of online application.
17. How the database connectivity is established in java? CS1401 – Internet Programming

18. Write descriptions about cookies?
19. How can you create JDBC statements


1. What is JDBC? Write down the steps in establishing JDBC, Write a JDBC program to
update or insert a record into a database using JDBC connection in java. (16)
2. Write a web program for online shopping. (16)
3. Write short notes on servlets and life cycle of servlets. (16)
4. Write notes on (4+4+4+4)
a) Servlet interface
b) ServletConfig interface
c) Servlet Context interface
d) HTTP Servlet interface
5. (a)Write a simple servlet program to display the welcome note (8)
(b)Write a servlet program to get the context in which running (8)
6. (a)Write a servlet program to get the servlets configuration information (8)
(b)Write a servlet program to validate form details (8)
7. What is session tracking? Explain in detail about the role of cookies with a example (16)
8. Create a HTML form to get the name of the book, author of the book and using a servlet (16)
check whether the book exists in the database and if it exists, display the price of the book.
9. Write a program for Banking application using JDBC(consider 5 customer create a/c (16)
number and type, set some minimum balance for credit and debit operation and print
consolidated report for month wise transaction)
10. Explain how servlet deals HTTP get and post requests with an example program (16)

CS1401 – Internet Programming 2 mark Question With Answer|Important Questions in CS1401 – Internet Programming
CS1401 – Internet Programming 2 mark Question With Answer|Important Questions in CS1401 – Internet Programming



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