March 18, 2010

CS 1020 Software Quality Management Question Bank/2 mark Questions,16 mark Questions


SUBJECT NAME: Software Quality Management SEM : VII

Part (2 marks)
1. What is quality?
2. Define software quality?
3. What are the views of quality?
4. Give the definitions of quality?
5. What is quality as per ISO?
6. What are the reasons for software becomes problematical?
7. Give the traditional waterfall lifecycle model.
8. What is hierarchical model?
9. Give the schematic hierarchical view of software quality.
10. Mention the two hierarchical models.
11. What are the areas addressed by McCall’s model?
12. Mention the criteria of quality defined by McCall’s model?
13. Draw the GE model.
14. How the quality criteria interrelate?
15. What are software metrics?
16. What are the types of software metrics?
17. What are the seven criteria for good metrics?
18. What makes a good metric?
19. Define MTTF as a measure of reliability
20. What re the problems with metrics?
21. Give the relationship between criteria and measurable properties.
22. What are problems highlighted by Gilb with the implementation of methods?
23. What are the attributes of Gilb’s work?
24. List out the Gilb’s attributes with its sub attribute.
25. Define Workability.
26. Define availability.
27. Define adaptability.
28. Define Usability.
29. Mention the Dickson’s classification of reliability criteria.
30. What is GQM model?

1. What are the views of quality? Explain in Detail the views of quality. (16)
2. Explain the hierarchical model of Quality. (16)
3. a) Plain in detail the GE Model. (08)
b) Plain the Boehm model. (08) CS1020 SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT
4. Explain how the software quality can be measured and the problems associated
with them. (16)
5. Explain the work of Gilb. (16)
6. Explain in detail GQM model. (16)

Part-A (2 Marks)

1. What are Quality tasks?
2. What is SQA Plan?
3. Define Software quality Assurance (SQA).
4. List out the Teams and Responsibilities.
5. What makes the QA work minimal?
6. What are the factors affecting the SQA effort?
7. List out the seven keys to Leadership.
8. What are the ways of killing the Quality Assurance?
9. What are the Characteristics of Software quality assurance?
10. List out the elements of Documentation.
11. What is SRS?
12. What is SDD?
13. What are the steps in Document Distribution?
14. Draw the Documents Documentation plan worksheet.
15. Give the Reviewing description template.
16. What are action Items?
17. List out the special responsibilities of Technical Review Process.
18. What is software inspection?
19. What is walkthrough?
20. What is audit process?
21. Write short notes on Document verification.


1. Explain in detail the Quality tasks and responsibilities. (16)
2. Explain in detail about the Documentation. (16)
3. Explain the Procedural description template and Action items (16)
4. Explain in detail the CMM Compatibility of Reviews and audits. (16)
5. Explain the management review process. (16)
6. Explain the technical review process. (16)
7. Explain the types of reviews. (16)
8. Explain the software inspection process. (16)
9. a) Explain walkthrough process. (8)
b) Explain the Audit process. (8)
10. a) Explain the Document verification and validation. (8)
b) Explain the factors affecting the SQA effort. (8)


Part A (2 Marks)

1. What are the Ishikawa’s basic tools in software development?
2. What is Fish Bone diagram?
3. Draw the Cause and effect diagram of Design Inspection.
4. What are CASE tools?
5. Define error detection efficiency.
6. Define Defect removal efficiency.
7. Define TDCE and PCE
8. What is Defect Injection
9. What are the activities associated with Defect injection and Removal.
10. Write short notes on Defect Prevention process.
11. What are reliability models?
12. What is Rayleigh mole?
13. Define CDF and PDF in Rayleigh model.
14. What are reliability growth models?
15. What are the classes of Reliability Growth models?
16. List out the Reliability Growth models.
17. Define Jelinski Moranda model.
18. Define LittleWood model
19. Define Goel Okumoto imperfect debugging model.
20. Define Goel Okumoto Nonhomogeneous Poison Process model(NHPP)
21. Define Musa-Okumoto Logarithmic Poison Execution Time model.
22. Define The Delayed S and Inflection S.


1. Explain in Detail about the Ishikawa’s basic tools in software development (16)

2. a) Explain in detail about the CASE tools. (8)
b) Explain the Defect Prevention Process. (8)
3. Explain the Defect removal Effectiveness. (16)
4. Explain the Reliability models. (16)
5. Explain in detail about the Rayleigh model. (16)
6. Explain Reliability growth model for quality assessment (16)

Part-A (2 marks)

1. What is QMS?
2. Define TQM
3. What is QIP?
4. What are the elements of QMS?
5. What is statistical process control?
6. List out the procedures in a QMS.
7. Mention the SPC techniques and its purposes.
8. Write short notes on principles of Rayleigh model framework
9. Compare the Scenarios of Inspection Effort / Defect Rate.
10. What are the activities of Reliability growth models?
11. What are the key metrics and models? CS1020 SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT
12. Define Lines of Code
13. Define Halstead’s Software Science.
14. Define Cyclomatic Complexity.
15. Write short notes on Syntactic constructs.
16. Write short notes on Structure metrics.
17. What is customer satisfaction analysis?
18. What are the survey methods of Customer satisfaction?
19. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of survey methods

Part- B
1. Explain in detail the elements of QMS. (16)
2. Explain the Rayleigh model framework. (16)
3. Explain the Reliability Growth models. (16)
4. Explain the complexity metrics and its models (16)
5. Explain Lines of Code and Halstead’s Software Science. (16)
6. Explain in detail the Cyclomatic Complexity (16)
7. a)Explain Syntactic constructs (8)
b) Briefly explain structure metrics. (8)
8. Explain in detail the Customer satisfaction surveys / analysis. (16)

Part-A (2 Mark Question)

1. What are the needs for standards?
2. What are the fundamental principles of ISO 9001 standard
3. List out the ISO 9000 series of quality management standards.
4. Mention some of the clauses of ISO9001 standard.
5. What are the three levels of Document control clause?
6. Write short notes on “Seeking Accreditation”
7. Give the structure of ISO9000 – 3 standards
8. What are the key areas of guidance given by ISO 9000-3 standard?
9. What are the requirements of ISO9001?
10. What is the impact of ISO9000
11. What is CMM? Or write short notes on CMM.
12. What are the five levels of SEI CMM?
13. What are the five stages of CMM
14. What is CMMI?
15. Write short notes on Six Sigma concepts.

Part- B

1. Discuss in detail about the needs for standards (16)
2. Explain the ISO9000 series standard (16)
3. Explain the ISO9000-3 standard for software development. (16)
4. Explain in detail the CMM Model (16)
5. Explain the CMMI Model (16)
6. Explain the Six Sigma Concepts. (16)



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