January 20, 2012

Accenture Placement Paper April 2011 with Answers & Solutions, Pattern, Free Download,

Accenture Placement Paper April 2011 with Answers & Solutions, Pattern, Free Download,  Questions, Latest, Accenture Placement Paper April 2011.
Accenture Placement Paper April 2011 :-

1. Which of the following values of 'n' satisfies the in-equality n2 - 24n + 143 < 0?

1) n < 11
2) n > 13
3) 11 < n < 13
4) 11 > n > 13
5) None of these

2. If 2x+y = 11, 2y+z = 12 and z+2x = 8, find the value of 2x + 3y +4z.

1) 29
2) 33
3) 25
4) 39
5) None of these

3. A shopkeeper labels the price of article 15% above the cost price. If he allow Rs 51.20 discount on an article of Rs 1024, find his profit percent.

1) 10%
2) 8%
3) 12%
4) 9%
5) 9.25%

4.Which of the following numbers are completely divisible by 11?

A. 3245682
B. 283712
C. 438416
D. 36894

1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Only D
5) All are divisible

5. The sum of a number and its square is 1406. What is the number?

1) 38
2) 39
3) 37
4) 29
5) None of these

6. In a business P and Q invested amounts in the ratio 3:4, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by P and R was 6:7. If Rs 106501.50 was their profit, how much amount did Q receive?

1) Rs 40572
2) Rs 30429
3) Rs 35500.50
4) Rs 34629
5) None of these

7. Can't speak without interpretor


8. 5 children were born on the same day but on different years in b/w 1999 - 2003 . Abhya is younger than dinesh and frahan vaskar is naughtiest of all. girish is older than dinesh and farhan. If Abhay is born in 2002, then in which year farhan is born :

2000- 2001
1999, 2000, 2001

9. Order in which childrens are born ?


10. * = +, / = *, + =- , - = / 2/9*11+10- 8

A) 20.8
B) 27.8
C) 27.8
D) 25.8

11. *= -, /=+,+=/,-=*


What will be the output?

A) No output B) A Non Integer C) 0 D) Garbage

12. Look at the Code:



int a[]={1,2,3},i;







class constest
     const int i;


  b) abstract base class
  c) specifies a way to to define a const member data
  d) none


Iimplement polymorphism when by object belonging to different class can respond to the same message in diff ways.
  a) late binding
  b)dynamic binding
  c) dynamically created object
  d) virtual fun


Member function---------- and ----------- set and reset the format state of flags.
   a) set,reset
   b) set,get
   c) set, unset
   d) set ,unsetf


  struct abc
       int i;
       abc(int j)
         { i=j;}
      void display()
       { cout<

  void main()
      abc ob(10);

b) error : constructor is not accessible
c) abc: i not accessible


# include
class sample
     public :
     sample(int **pp)
   int **p;
   int **sample:: *ptr=&sample ::p;

19. Jack,Doug and Ann, 3 children had a running race while returning from school.Mom asked who won the race. Then Jack replied" I wont tell u.I wil give u a clue,When Ann takes 28 steps Doug takes 24 steps, meantime I take 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug's 7 steps and Ann's 8 steps. Who won the race? (repeated from previous papers)

Ans: Doug

 Ans . Y.(please verify Here last parameter is the integer value to seel_end


Same question with
ans. 11th character will be printed "K" verify.

21. A train overtakes 2 persons walking at 3 km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively in the same direction and completely passes them in 8 seconds and 10 seconds respectively. Find the speed of the train.

1) 15 km/hr
2) 13 km/hr
3) 10 km/hr
4) 10 km/hr
5) None of these

22.The ratio between the radius and height of a cone is 3:4. What is the curved surface area of the cone?

1) 15p m2
2) 12p m2
3) 9p m2
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

23.A man stands on the top of a pole and makes an angle of 60° on the surface of a ground. He slides 20 m down and makes an angle of 30°at the same point. If he takes 10 seconds to reach the ground from here, find his speed.

1) 6 km/hr
2) 5 km/hr
3) 10 km/hr
4) 8 km/hr
5) 10.80 km/hr

24. In a business P and Q invested amounts in the ratio 3:4, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by P and R was 6:7. If Rs 106501.50 was their profit, how much amount did Q receive?

1) Rs 40572
2) Rs 30429
3) Rs 35500.50
4) Rs 34629
5) None of these

25. In a file A...Z characters are written.if we open the file using fopen and
what will be the output.?

Ans . Y.(please verify Here last parameter is the integer value to seel_end



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