November 3, 2011

CS1261 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING question papers Anna university NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2007 question papers Download


Fourth Semester
Electrical and Electronice Engineering


(Regulation 2004)
Time: Three hours                                                    Maximum marks: 100
Answer ALL questions
PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)

1. In the following code,how do you obtain the fractional part for the division operation by maintaining 'i' as an integer? Also write the output.

int i;

for ( i = 0; i <20; ++ i )

printf (%d",i/2);

2. What is inline function ?

3. When are base class and derived class constructor and destructor functions called ?

4. Can you use a 'this' pointer to a friend function ? Comment on it.

5. Create a situation when the complier is unable to choose between two overloaded function.

6. Compare and contrast early and late binding.

7. How do Java deal with the common situation of, Wanting a class to reflect the behavior of two parents.

8. When do you want to declare a class in a package public?

9. Show that if x and y are String objects and x == y is true, then x equals (y) is also true.but reverse is not necessarily true.

10. Identify the problem with the following constructor of an applet.Assume the GUI objects are all properly declared in the data member declaration section.

Public My Applet ( )


//create objects

textField = new TextField( );

label = new.Label( );



PART B (5 x 16 = 80)

11 (i) Differentiate procedure oriented programming and Object oriented programming. (6)
(ii) Why do you need function prototyping ? Write a program using function prototyping that returns the last occurrence of a character c in string s.(10)
(b) (i) How do you pass structure members and an entire structure to a function ? Give Examples.(8)

(ii) What is the purpose of scope resolution operator ?(4)

(iii) How do you include various instructions to the compiler in the source code of a C++ program ? (4)

12.  (a) (i) Consider a student registration program used by the registrar's office.The program keeps track of student who are registered for a given semester.For each student registered , the program maintains the student's name and address, phone number,the no of classes in which the student is enrolled ,and total credit hours.The program also keeps track of the total number of registered students.Define a Student class that is suitable for this program write a main function to demonstrate.(10)
(ii) Suppose the minimum and maximum number of courses for which a student can register is different depending on whether the student is a graduate,under graduate or working .Redo the above for different types of students.Relate the classes using inheritance. (6)
(b) (i) Discuss the technique of granting a nonmember function access to the private members of a class .Give example.(12)

(ii) What are the two important restrictions that apply to friend function ?(4)
13 (a) What is operator overloading ? Write a C++ program to overload any arithmetic unary operator and some binary operators.What are the restrictions that are imposed on overloading operators ?(3+10+3)
(b) (i) What is virtual base class ? Create a situation where you will use virtual base class.(8)

(ii) What is a virtual function ?When do you use a pure virtual function ?Differentiate them.(8)

14. (a) (i)What a Java application that inputs temperature in Celsius and displays the temperature in Fahrenheit .(6)
(ii) Write an application that computes the area of a cicular region between an inner circle and an outer circle. Define an instantiable circle class that has methods to compute the area and circumference. Set the circle's radius with the setRadius method.
(b) Declare an array of float of size 365 to store daily temperature for one year.Write the code to find

(i) The hottest and coldest days of the year,

(ii) The average temperature of each month,

(iii) The difference between the hottest and coldest days of every month.

(iv) The temperature of any given day.The day is specified by two input values : month (1...12 ) and day ( 1...31 ).Reject invalid input values.(16)

15. (a) (i) Discuss the method of placing GUI objects on applets.(6)
(ii) Write an applet that acts like an adding machine.The user enters numbers one at a time.When the user presses the ENTER key or clicks on the Add button after each entry,the applet adds the number to the running sum.Display the running sum using a label objects.(10)
(b) Discuss the following concepts with illustration. (4 X 4 = 16)

(i) Creating a thread

(ii) Stopping a thread

(iii) Pausing a thread

(iv) Determine when the current thread has finished.



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