September 26, 2010


TCS PAPER - 14 JUL 2008
Apititude section
1)Fill the missing number in the sequence 17 16 13 12 10 -8 7 
ans(9)  sub -4 -3 -2 from series

2)If TIFMUFS is coded as SHELTER then NJOE can be coded as  ans(MIND)

3)Letter exchange quest as same as previous

4)632 in base 6

5)Largest prime number in an 9 bit word ans(2^9=512 so prime num s 509)

6)If n=10*18*38 find the num which s not an integer ans(n/78)

7)Power of 2 a)4148 b)4048 c)4876 d)4096 ans (4096)

8)Pick odd one out a)SMTP b) http c)wap d)baan ans(baan)

9)Same..  a)(50, 51, 79) b) (30,40,50), c)( 73, 67,40) d)( 100,60,20) [ ans adding every num and the sum equal to 180] find which is        not a proper triangle

10)Same... [ans a cube will b having 12 edges 6 faces and 8 vertices] Finding the correct planar cube

11)Finding set of data which exhibits std deviation

12)Venn dia prob (same)

13)Bar graph (same)
14)A does half as much work as B in three fourth of the time. If together they take 18 days to complete the work, how many days will B take to do it
      [Ans 1\x+2\3x=1\18 and solving x=30]

15)Which of these matrices is singular [ans any two matrices product equal to zero]

16)Match the following    
       male boy          ans- superset of
       Oven-building     ans-not a type of
       Beagle-cat        ans-type of
       Oxygen -water     ans-part of    

17)If * stands for squaring and > stands for change of sign what is the value of *>*(3) ->*> (3)
       [ans 81+9=90]

18)A sequence is given by f (0) =1 and f (n) = f (n-1)* n^2 then f (4) =?
      [Ans 576]

19)Curve that best suits
      [ans y=log 10x]

18)A two dimensional array x (7, 9) is stored in row wise. Each element requires 2 bytes for storage of this value. If 1st byte address of x      (1,1) is 3000 then address of x (2,3) is
      [ ans 2*[9(2-1)+(3-1)]=3022 and ans+1=3023]

19)Of the four vertices a,b,c,d find out the orthogonal pair

20)Evaluate the expression M( 735,11)+R( 3.4)+T( 7.7)-R( 5.8)=735\11+3+7-6=13

21)Three independent machines A, B, C have been incorporated for power saving in a plant producing resp 40% 20% 10% efficiency. Assuming that they operate independently, what is the net power efficiency achieved?
     [ans 100-40%=60% , 100-20%=80% , 100-10%= 90% so {60\100* 80\100 * 90\100}*100=43.2 and 100-43.2=56.8%]

22)Equation that bests describes the curve
     [ans y=log10x]

23)Temperature problem I.e. b\w 3.00PM and 9.00PM [ans substituting 3 and 9 in the given equation and finding the diff b\w higher value and lower value and finally resultant\higher value *100]

24)An aircraft takes off from A (89N lat, 60E long) at 2.00AM to B (32N lat, 60W long). If the flying time is 9 hours what is the local time of landing at B [ans adding 60E and 60W =  120 and 120*4=480 and 480\ 60=8hours and adding the data given in the problem i.e. 2+9=11hrs  and sub 8hrs frm 11hrs=3.00AM]

25)The size of the bucket is given by the function p( n)=4000 where n is the vol of water. Find the % change in size of bucket if vol of water is increased by 1% [ans sqrt (101)=0.5%]

26)Cable problem [ans its normally given data's diff]

27)A file is transferred from 1 loc to other. The size is 10 kilo bytes. [ans sol is just adding the data's and the same problem in all the papers and the ans is 10.011N]

28)Final problem is filling the last row and the procedure is just find the 2's complement and getting the diff

Part 3 [critical reasoning]
This is the most difficult part. All say to refer Barrons 12th edition. I had practiced a lot for this sec and I didn't get any quest's from BARRONS but I managed somehow and got through. I got thro appt and as well as the tech round... Now I am one among the TCS family.



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