December 3, 2011

EC1361 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING question papers Anna university question papers Download

2007 Anna University Chennai B.E Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineer EC 1361-DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Question paper

Sixth semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Common to Instrumentation and Control Engineering and Electronics and instrumentation Engineering)
PART A-(10*2=20)
1. What is a linear time invariant system?
2. What is known as aliasing?
3. Define ROC in Z-transform.
4.determine the Z-transform of the sequence x(n)={2,1,-1,0,3}

5. Define DFT pair.
6. Draw the basic butterfly structure for DITFFT and DIF FFT Algorithms.
7. State the condition for linear phase in FIR filters for symmetric and anti symmetric response.
8. What is called pre warping?
9. What are the various interrupt types supported by TMS 320 C 54?
10. Mention the function of the program controller of the DSP processor TMS 320 C 54.
PART B-(5*16=80)
11.(a)(i) explain the concept of energy and power signals. Also checks whether the following signals are energy or power signal.
(1)x(n)=(1/3)n u(n)
(2)x(n)=sin (p*/4)n (12) * see note
(ii)briefly explain Quantization. (4)

(b) check the following system for linearity, time invariance , causality and stability .
(i) y(n) = e^x(n)
(ii)y(n) = x(-n+2). (16)

12.(a)(i) determine the Z-transform of x(n)=cos wn u(n). (6)
(ii) state and prove the following properties of Z-transforms:
(1)time shifting
(2)time reversal
(4)scaling in Z domain. (10)


(b) (i) determine the inverse Z transform of X(z)=(1+3z ^-1)/(1+3z^ -1 +2z ^-2) for |z| >2. (8)

(ii) compute the response of the system y(n)=0.7y(n-1)-0.12y(n-2)+x(n-1)+x(n-2)
to input x(n)= n u(n).

13.(a)(i) derive and draw the flow graph of the Radix-2 DIF FFT algorithm for the computation of 8-ponit DFT. (10)
(ii) what are differences and similarities between DIT and DIF FFT algorithm? (6)


(b)(i) compute the 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n) ={1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} (10)
(ii) illustrate the concept of circular convolution property of DFT. (6)
14.(a)(i) obtain the cascade and parallel realization of the system described by
y(n)= -0.1y(n-1)+0.2y(n-2)+3x(n)+3.6x(n-1)+0.6x(n-2). (10)
(ii) discuss about any three window function used in the design of FIR filters. (6)


(b) (i) design a digital Butterworth filter satisfying the following constraints with T=1sec.using Bilinear transformation. (12)
0.707=< |H(ej?)|=< 1 for 0 = < p /2
|H(ej?)|=<0.2 for 3p/4=

(ii) what are the different frequency transformations in analog domain? (4)

15(a) (i) describe the function of on chip peripherals of TMS 320 C 54 DSP processor.
(ii) what are the different buses of TMS 320 C 54 and their functions? (4)


(b)discuss in detail the various quantization effect in the design of digital filters. (16)N

*NOTE:p is pi



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