August 6, 2011


Code :GE2111

1.  Draw the projections of the following points on the same reference straight line:
A-    10 mm above HP and 20mm in front of VP.
B-    20 mm above HP and 30mm behind of VP.
C-    30mm below HP and 40mm behind VP.
D-    40mm below HP and 50 mm in front of VP.
E-     On HP and 20mm behind VP
F-     On VP and 25mm below HP.
G-    On both HP and VP.
H-    20mm above HP and 20mm behind VP.

2. The Figure shows the projection of   different points. Determine the position of the points with respect to the projection planes. All distances are in mm.

   1. A line AB 60mm long has its end A10mm above HP and 20mm in front of VP. The line is kept perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

   2. A line BC 40mm has its end B 25mm above HP and 30mm in front of VP. The line is kept perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP. Draw its projections.


   3. A line DE 35mm long has its end D 5mm above HP and 10mm in front of VP. The line is kept inclined at 30° to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

   4. A line EF 70mm long has its end E 40mm above HP and 20mm in front of VP. The line is inclined at  60° to VP and parallel to HP. Draw its projections.

   5. A line FG 65mm long has its end F 25mm above HP and on VP. The line is inclined at 45° to HP. Draw its projections.

   6. A line GH 35mm long has its end G 20mm in front of VP and on HP. The line is inclined at 35° to VP. Draw its projections.

   7. A line PQ 70mm long has its end P 15mm above HP and 25mm in front of VP. The top view measures 40mm.Draw its projections and find the inclination of the line with HP.

   8. A line QR 65mm long has its end Q 20mm above HP and 15mm in front of VP. Its front view has a length of 35mm. Draw the projections and find the inclination of the line with VP.


   9. A straight line AB of length 50 mm is inclined at 30º to HP and 45º to VP. Point A is 15mm above HP and 20mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the straight line.

10.  A line BC 80mm long has its end B, 15mm from both HP and VP. Other end C is 40mm above HP and 50mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the line and determine the inclination of the line with HP and VP.

    11.  A line CD 70mm long has its end C 35mm above HP and 30mm in front of VP   
             The top view and the front view has a length of 45mm and 60mm respectively.
             Draw its projections.

  11. A line DE 75mm long has its end D on both HP and VP. The line is kept inclined

       at 45° to HP and 30° to VP. Draw its projections.
     13.  One end E of a line EF, 75mm long is 20mm above HP and 25mm in front of VP.
            The line is inclined at 30° to HP and the top view makes 45° with VP. Draw the
             projections of the line and find its true inclination with VP.

14.     A line FG 50mm long has its end F 10mm above HP and 15mm in front of 
       VP. The line is  inclined at 35° to HP and 55° to VP. Draw its projections.
15.     A line GH 85mm long has its end G 25mm above HP and 20mm in front of VP.
       End H is 60mm above HP and 50mm in front of VP. Draw the projections and find the inclinations of the line with HP and VP.

16   A line PQ measuring 75mm long has one of its ends, 50mm in front of VP and
      15mm above HP. The top view of the line is 50mm long. Draw and measure the
      front view. The other end is 15mm   in front of VP and is above HP. Determine the
      true inclinations of the line.          

17 .A line QR has its end Q 20mm above HP and 25mm in front of VP. The other end R
      is 45mm above HP and 55mm in front of VP. Distance between the end projectors is 
      60mm. Draw its     projections and also find the true length and true inclinations of
      the line with HP and VP.

18. The mid point of the line RS 90mm long is 60mm above HP and 50mm in front of
      VP. It is  inclined at 30°to HP and 45° to VP. Draw its projections.


1. A Square plane of side 40mm has its surface parallel to VP and perpendicular to HP. Draw its projections when one of the sides is inclined at 30° to HP.

2. A Circular plane of diameter 50mm has its surface parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP. Its Centre is 20mm above HP and 30mm in front of VP. Draw its projections.

3.. A Pentagonal lamina of side 30mm is placed with one side on HP and the surface inclined at 50° to HP and perpendicular to VP. Draw its projections.

4. A Hexagonal plane of side 30mm is placed with a side on VP and the surface inclined at 45° to VP and perpendicular to HP. Draw its projections.

5. A pentagon of side 30mm rests o the ground on one of its corners with the sides containing the corner being equally inclined to the ground. The side opposite to the corner on which it rests is inclined at 30° to the VP and is parallel to HP. The surface of the pentagon makes 50° with the ground. Draw the top and front views of the pentagon.

6. Pentagonal lamina of side 30mm is resting on one of its edges on HP which is  inclined at 45° to VP.Its surface is inclined to 30° . Draw its projections.



   1. A Cube of 40mm side rests on HP on one of its ends with a face parallel to VP and 25mm in front of VP. Draw the top and front views of the cube.

   2. A Cube of side 40mm rests on HP on one of its ends with a vertical face inclined at 40° to VP. Draw its projections.

   3. A Cube of side 40mm rests on HP on one of its ends with its vertical faces equally inclined to VP. Draw its projections.

4.      Draw the top and front view of a square pyramid of base side 30mm and altitude 40mm when it is resting on HP on its base with one of the edges of the base inclined at 60° to VP.

   5. Draw the projection of a pentagonal prism of base side 20mm and axis length 35mm when it is resting on HP on its base with one of the edges of the base inclined at 30° to VP.

   6. Draw the projections of a hexagonal pyramid of side of base 30mm and altitude 60mm when it is resting on its base on a HP with an edge of the base inclined at 30° VP.

   7. A square prism of base edge 25mm and axis length 60mm is lying on HP on one of its longer edges with its rectangular faces equally inclined to HP. Draw its projections when the axis is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP.

   8. A Pentagonal pyramid of base side 30mm and axis length 60mm rests on HP on one corner of the base. The base edge containing that corner makes 40° with HP. Draw its projections when the axis is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP.

   9. A hexagonal prism of base side 20mm and axis length 50mm lies on HP on one of its rectangular faces with the axis parallel to both HP and VP. Draw its projections.

  10. A pentagonal prism of base side 40mm and axis 60mm long lies on HP on one of its longer edges with its axis parallel to both HP and VP. One of the rectangular faces containing the resting edge is inclined at 30° to HP. Draw its plan and elevation.


  11. A hexagonal prism of base side 30mm and axis length 60mm lies on HP on one of its base edges with its axis inclined at 60° to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

  12. Draw the projections of a cube of side 40mm when it rests on HP on one of its corners and the face containing that corner is inclined at 30° to HP and parallel to HP.

  13. A square prism of base side 35mm and axis length 60mm rests on one of its base edges on HP with its axis inclined at 30° to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

  14. A cylinder of base diameter 30mm and axis length 50mm is resting on HP on a point of base so that its axis is inclined at 45° to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its front view and top views.

  15. A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 40mm and height 80mm lies on one of its base edges on HP with its axis inclined at 30° to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

  16. A square pyramid of base side 30mm and height 60mm lies on HP on one of its triangular faces with its axis parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

  17. A pentagonal pyramid of base edge 25mm and axis 60mm long rests on a base side on HP such that the highest base corner is 20mm above HP and its axis is parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

  18. A cone of base diameter 40mm and altitude 60mm rests on HP with its axis inclined at 30° to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

  19. Draw the projections of a cone of base diameter 50mm and axis length 70mm when it lies on the ground on one of its generators with its axis parallel to VP.

  20. A hexagonal pyramid of base side 30mm and axis length 60mm is resting on HP on one of its base corners with its axis inclined at 35° to VP and parallel to HP. Draw its projections when the base sides containing the resting corner are equally inclined to HP.


   1. A square prism of base side 30mm and axis length 60mm is resting on HP on one of its faces with a base side inclined at 25° to VP. It is cut by plane inclined at 40° to HP and perpendicular to VP and is bisecting the axis of the prism. Draw its front view, sectional top view and true shape of the section.



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