March 21, 2010

Sikkim University (SU) Admission to Various Courses for the academic session 2010-2011 through Entrance Examination

Sikkim University

Sikkim University, a Central University, was established under an Act of Parliament of India and came into existence on 2 July 2007. Unlike in other states, there was no Government University in Sikkim. The establishment of a Central University, fully funded by the Government of India, in Sikkim, fulfils a long cherished aspiration of the people of Sikkim and the entire Eastern Himalayan region to have a higher institution of learning.

Sikkim is peaceful, accessible and gifted with a rich natural location. By developing strengths in congruence with the natural and cultural affluence of Sikkim, the University is expected to contribute substantively to the nation building process by mobilizing the rich intellectual heritage of the region. The process would involve galvanizing the academic fervour and creative instincts of the youths and by developing agencies and institutions that will facilitate cross border interactions. Sikkim University endeavors to act as an intellectual base and instrument to realise the larger goals of India’s Look East policy.

Courses Offered
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the entrance examination in the following programmes/ courses for the Academic Session 2010-11:

• BA- MA in Chinese Language, School of Linguistics and Languages [ Integrated 5 year programme].
• BSc-MSc in Psychology [Integrated Five Year Programme], School of Social Sciences.
• BA-LLB-LLM in Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies [Integrated Seven Year Programme], School of Law and Governance.
• BSc-MSc in Floriculture and Horticulture Management [Integrated Six Year Programme], School of Sustainable Development and Livelihood management.
• MSc in Physical Sciences (Physics), School of Physical and Chemical Sciences.
• MSc in Chemical Sciences (Chemistry), School of Physical and Chemical Sciences.
• MSc in Microbiology, School of Life Sciences.
• M A in International Relations/Politics, School of Global Studies.
• MA in Peace and Conflict Studies and Management, School of Peace, Conflict and Human Security Studies.
• MA in Sociology, School of Social Sciences.
• MA in Mass Communication, School of Media, Communication and Information Sciences.
• MSc in Geography, School of Social Sciences.
• MA in Economics, School of Social Sciences.
• MPhil/ PhD in Microbiology, School of Life Sciences.
• M Phil/ PhD in International Relations/ Politics, School of Global Studies.
• M Phil/ PhD in Peace, Conflict Studies and Management, School of Peace, Conflict and Human Security Studies.
• M Phil/ PhD in Sociology, School of Social Sciences.

How To Apply
Detailed information regarding admission procedure and eligibility, etc. is given in the Prospectus-cum-Application Form 2010-11 which can be obtained from the Sikkim University Management building, located at 6th Mile Tadong, Gangtok from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm till 20th April 2010 against cash payment of Rs.250/-. It can also be obtained by post by paying Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- in favour of Sikkim University. Applicants can also download the forms from Sikkim University website.

The filled-in applications forms with the entrance examination fee should reach the Controller of Examinations at the given address by 20th April 2010.

Candidates can apply for more than one subject in separate application forms provided they are eligible.

Entrance examination fee for each subject should be drawn as Demand Draft in favour of Sikkim University payable at Gangtok. The examination fee for General candidates for each subject is Rs. 300/- and for SC/ ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/ Differently Abled [DA] candidates is Rs. 150/-

Last date for receipt of form20 April 2010

Test Centers
Aizawl; Allahabad; Bangalore; Bhopal; Bhubaneswar; Chennai; Darjeeling; Gangtok; Guwahati; Hyderabad; Imphal, Kalimpong, Kathmandu [Nepal]; Kolkata; Lucknow; Mumbai; Namchi [Sikkim], New Delhi; Patna; Ranchi; Shillong; Siliguri; Thimpu [Bhutan] and Thiruvananthapuram.

Examination Schedules
Saturday, 8th May 2010 (10 AM to 1 PM):
MA in Sociology
MSc in Microbiology
BA- MA in Chinese Language [Integrated 10 semester Programme]
MPhil/ PhD in Microbiology

Saturday, 8th May 2010 (2 PM to 5 PM):
MA in Peace and Conflict Studies and Management
MSc in Chemical Sciences (Chemistry)
LLB-LLM in Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies [Integrated 14 semester Programme]
MPhil/ PhD in Sociology

Sunday, 9th May 2010 (10 AM to 1 PM):
MA in International Relations/Politics
MSc in Physical Sciences (Physics)
M Sc in Economics
BSc-MSc in Floriculture and Horticulture Management [Integrated 12 semester Programme] MPhil/ PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies and Management .

Sunday, 9th May 2010 (2 PM to 5 PM):
BSc-MSc in Psychology [integrated 10 semester Programme]
MSc in Geography
M A in Mass Communication
MPhil/ PhD in International Relations/ Politics

Contact Details
Address: Sikkim University 6th Mile, Samdur, PO Tadong, Gangtok – 737102, Sikkim, India
Ph: 0091-3592-251415; 251004
Fax: 0091-3592-251656; 251020



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