February 15, 2010

Database Management Systems

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Model Exam
Semester : V Time: 180 minutes
Subject Name: Database Management Systems

Part-A 2*5=10
1. Give the several ways of organizing the records in the files.
2. What is primary indices and secondary indices?
3. What is B-tree Index files?
4. Write notes on hash file organization and hash function.
5. What are the 3 actions to be taken to recover from deadlock?
6. Define log.
7. What are the drawbacks to the shadow-paging technique?
8. What is data cleansing?
9. What is data transparency?
10. What is the difference between XML & HTML?

Part-B 16*5=40

1. a) Explain the following file organization methods:
i. B+ trees (8)
ii. B Trees (8)
b) Write algorithms to compute the following joins. (16)
iii. Nested-loop join
iv. Block Nested-loop join
v. Indexed Nested-loop join
vi. Merge join
vii. Hash join

2. a) i) Describe in detail the various ways in which data can be stored in secondary storage devices. (10)
ii) Explain Heap File (6)
b) i) Explain the need and working of distributed database. (8)
ii) Write short notes on complex data types. (8)

3. a) Write briefly on:
o Data warehousing (8)
o Data mining (8)
b) Explain the structure of XML data and document. (16)

4. a) i)Explain lock-based protocols and time-stamp based protocols.(8)
ii) Explain the conflict serializability and view serializability(8)
b) i) Explain about the transaction state and implementation of atomicity and durability.(8)
ii) Why concurrency control is needed.?(8)
5. a) i) When do you say that system is in a deadlock? Explain. (8)
ii) Explain the two approaches to deadlock prevention. (8)
b) i) Explain any two recovery techniques. (8)
ii) Explain about two phase locking. (8)



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