March 22, 2012


The Test consists of three papers to be answered within same day in two separate sessions 
Session  Paper   Marks 
First  100 75 minutes
First  II  100 75 minutes
Second  III  200 150 minutes

General / Teaching Aptitude  Duration Marks Gen OBC PH/SC
Paper -II Teaching / Research Aptitude 75 Mins 100 40 35 35
Paper -II Subject Knowledge 75 Mins 100 40 35 35
Paper -III Subject Knowledge 135 Mins 150 75 68 60

Paper-I is of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research  aptitude of the candidate.  It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability,  comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate.

For  details , please go to USC NET PAPER 1 GENERAL PAPER link. The paper will cover following areas

Question Papers Download

I. Teaching Aptitude
II  Research Aptitude
III Reading Comprehension
IV Communication
V Reasoning (Including Mathematical)
VI Logical Reasoning
VII Data Interpretation
VIII Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
IX People and Environment
X Higher Education System : Governance, Polity and Administration

From the December 2009 UGC NET onwards, instead of 50 questions , sixty (60) multiple choice questions of two marks are given, out of which the candidate is required to answer any fifty (50). In the event of the candidate attempting more than fifty questions, the first fifty questions attempted by the candidate would be evaluated

There will be negative marking of  0.5 marks (i.e 25%) for each wrong answer

Paper-II  consists of short questions based on the subject selected by the
candidate.  The paper will consist of a Test Booklet containing 50 objective type questions. There are in total 50 MCQ’s (such as Multiple choice with single correct answer, Matching Type, assertion Reason Type)  each of 2 marks. The total is 100 marks for this section The candidate will have to mark the response for each. question on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet provided alongwith the Test Booklet.  The detailed instructions for filling up the OMR Sheet will be sent to the candidate along with the Admit Card.

There will be negative marking of  0.5 marks (i.e 25%) for each wrong answer

Paper-III  consists of only descriptive questions from the subject selected by the candidate.

Section 1: (2 Questions, 40 Marks)

Essay Writing - Two questions with internal choice on general themes and contemporary, theoretical or of disciplinary relevance may be given. The candidate is expected to write up to 500 words for each question of 20 marks. (2 questions equal to 40 marks)
In case the questions are based on electives, the choices will be general nature, common to all candidates. In case of science subjects like Computer Science and Applications, Environmental Sciences, Electronic Science etc., two questions carrying 20 marks each may be given in place of essay type questions.

Section 2: (3 Questions, 45 Marks)
Three extended answer based questions to test the analytical ability of the candidate on major specializations / electives. Questions will be asked on all major specializations / electives and the candidates may be asked to choose one specialization and answer all the three questions. There will be no internal choice. Each answer should be of 300 words and will carry 15 marks each. (3 questions totaling to 45 marks)

Section 3: (9 Questions, 90 Marks)
Nine questions may be asked across the syllabus. Questions will be definitional seeking particular information to be answered in 50 words each. There will be no internal choice. Science subjects may have short computational questions. Each question will carry 10 mars ( 9 questions totaling to 90 marks)

Section 4: (5 Questions, 25 Marks)
It requires candidates to answer questions from a given text of around  200-300 words  taken from the works of thinker/author. Five specific questions will asked based on the text. Answers should be around 30 words each. This section has 5 questions of 5 marks each ( 5 questions totaling 25 marks) In case of science subjects , a theoretical/numerical problem may be set. The questions will test critical thinking, ability to comprehend and apply the knowledge once possesses

Note: Paper-III is evaluated only for those candidates who are able to secure the minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I and Paper-II, as per the table given below

Award of Lectureship
Category   Minimum Qualifying Marks

Paper I

Paper II

Total of Paper I and Paper II
General/OBC  40


100 (50 %)
PH/VH  35


90 (45 %)
SC/ST  35


80 (40 %)
Award of Junior Research fellowship

Category   Minimum Qualifying Marks

Paper I

Paper II

Total of Paper I and Paper II

Paper III
General/OBC  40


100 (50 %)

100 (50 %)
PH/VH  35


90 (45 %)

90 (45 %)
SC/ST  35


80 (40 %)

80 (40 %)



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