January 6, 2012

POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL JNTU previous years question papers

POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL JNTU previous years question papers
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Incremental fuel costs in rupees per megawatt hour for two units are given by
= 0.1P1 + 20 and dF2
= 0.12P2 + 10
the maximum and minimum loads on each unit are to 25MW and 120MW, respectively. Determine the incremental fuel cost and the allocation of load between units for minimum cost when the loads are:
(a) 100MW
(b) 150MW. [16]

2. Draw the flow chart for obtaining optimal scheduling of generating units by neglecting the transmission losses. [16]

3. Determine the daily water used by hydro plant and daily operating cost of thermal plant with the load connected for total 24 hrs from the given data.
The load connected, PD = 400MW
Generation of thermal plant, PGT = 200MW
Generation of hydro plant, PGH = 300MW. [16]

4. A 80 MVA synchronous generator operates on full load at a frequency of 50Hz. The load is suddenly reduced to 40 MW. Due to time lag in the governor system, the steam valve begins to close after 0.3 secs. Determine the change in frequency that occurs in this time. H=4 KW-s/KVAof generator capacity. [16]

5. Explain the dynamic response in load frequency control of an isolated power system under uncontrolled case without making any approximations in the analysis. [16]

6. Two areas are connected via an inter tie line. The load at 50 Hz, is 15000 MW in area 1 and 35000 in area 2. Area 1 is importing 1500 MW from area 2. The load damping constant in each area is B=1.0 and the regulation R=6 % for all units. Area 1 has a spinning reserve of 800 MW spread over 4000 MW of generation capacity and area 2 has a spinning reserve of 1000 MW spread over 10000 MW generation. Determine the steady state frequency, generation and load of each area and tie-line power for
(a) Loss of 1000 MW in area 1, with no supplementary control.
(b) Loss of 1000 MW in area 1, with supplementary controls provided on generators with reserve. [16]

7. What are the requirements of control strategy in integral control? Explain the role played by the controller?s gain setting in the frequency control.

8. (a) Describe in detail off load and on load tap changing transformers.
(b) Discuss in detail about the generation and absorption of reactive power in power system components.



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