May 20, 2010


(Offered in Colleges affiliated to Anna University)
Code No.

Course Title

CE1022 Bridge Structures
CE1023 Storage Structures
CE1024 Design of Plate and Shell Structures
CE1025 Tall Buildings
CE1026 Structural Dynamics
CE1027 Prefabricated structures
CE1028 Wind Engineering
CE1029 Computer Aided Design of Structure
CE1030 Pre-stressed Concrete Structures
CE1031 Industrial Structures
CE1032 Smart Structures and smart Materials
CE1033 Finite Element Technique
CE1034 Earthquake Engineering
CE1035 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
CE1022                      BRIDGE STRUCTURES                                                3  0  0 100
At the end of this course the student shall be able to choose appropriate bridge structure and design it for given site conditions.
1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                                          9
Design of through type steel highway bridges for IRC loading - Design of stringers, cross girders and main girders - Design of deck type steel highway bridges for IRC loading - Design of main girders
2.         STEEL BRIDGES                                                                                                        9
Design of pratt type truss girder highway bridges - Design of top chord, bottom chord, web members - Effect of repeated loading - Design of plate girder railway bridges for railway loading - Wind effects - Design of web and flange plates - Vertical and horizontal stiffeners.                                              
3.         REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB BRIDGES                                                                9
Design of solid slab bridges for IRC loading - Design of kerb - Design of tee beam bridges - Design of panel and cantilever for IRC loading
4.         REINFORCED CONCRETE GIRDER BRIDGES                                                              9
Design of tee beam - Courbon's theory - Pigeaud's curves - Design of balanced cantilever bridges - Deck slab - Main girder - Design of cantilever - Design of articulation.      
5.         PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGES                                                           9
Design of prestressed concrete bridges - Preliminary dimensions - Flexural and torsional parameters - Courbon's theory - Distribution coefficient by exact analysis - Design of girder section - Maximum and minimum prestressing forces - Eccentricity - Live load and dead load shear forces - cable zone in girder –Check for stresses at various sections - Check for diagonal tension - Diaphragms - End block - Short term and long term deflections.                                                                                             
TOTAL : 45  
1.   Johnson Victor D., “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.,   New Delhi, 1990.
2.   Ponnuswamy S., “Bridge Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1996.
1.   Phatak D.R., “Bridge Engineering”, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi, 1990.

CE1023                         STORAGE STRUCTURES                                        3  0  0  100

The main objective of this course is to impart the principles involved in designing structures which have to store different types of materials. The student at the end of the course shall be able to design concrete and steel material retaining structures.
1.         STEEL WATER TANKS                                                                                 15
Design of rectangular riveted steel water tank – Tee covers – Plates – Stays –Longitudinal and transverse beams – Design of staging – Base plates – Foundation and anchor bolts – Design of pressed steel water tank – Design of stays – Joints – Design of hemispherical bottom water tank – side plates – Bottom plates – joints – Ring girder – Design of staging and foundation.
2.         CONCRETE WATER TANKS                                                                                     15
Design of Circular tanks – Hinged and fixed at the base – IS method of calculating shear forces and moments – Hoop tension – Design of intze tank – Dome – Ring girders – Conical dome – Staging – Bracings – Raft foundation – Design of rectangular tanks – Approximate methods and IS methods – Design of under ground tanks – Design of base slab and side wall – Check for uplift.
3.         Steel Bunkers and Silos                                                                                    5
Design of square bunker – Jansen’s and Airy’s theories – IS Codal provisions – Design of side plates – Stiffeners – Hooper – Longitudinal beams – Design of cylindrical silo – Side plates – Ring girder – stiffeners.
4.         Concrete Bunkers and Silos                                                                             5
Design of square bunker – Side Walls – Hopper bottom – Top and bottom edge beams – Design of cylindrical silo – Wall portion – Design of conical hopper – Ring beam at junction.
5.         PRESTRESSED CONCRETE WATER TANKS                                                              5
Principles of circular prestressing – Design of prestressed concrete circular water tanks.

TOTAL : 45
            TEXT BOOKS
1.         Rajagopalan K., Storage Structures, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1998.
2.         Krishna Raju N., Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1998.

CE1024             DESIGN OF PLATE AND SHELL STRUCTURES                   3  0  0  100
At the end of this course the student shall understand the rudimentary principles involved in the analysis and design of plates and shells.
1.         THIN PLATES WITH SMALL DEFLECTION                                                                 9
Laterally loaded thin plates – governing differential equations – Simply supported and fixed boundary conditions
2.         RECTANGULAR PLATES                                                                                            9
Simply supported rectangular plates – Navier’s solution and Levy’s method.
3.         THIN SHELLS                                                                                                             9
Classification of shells-structural actions – membrane theory
4.         ANALYSIS OF SHELLS                                                                                              9
Analysis of spherical dome – cylindrical shells – folded plates
5.         DESIGN OF SHELLS                                                                                                  9
Design of spherical dome – cylindrical shells – folded plates
TOTAL : 45
1.   Bairagi N K, A text book of Plate Analysis, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
      2.   G.S. Ramaswamy, Design and Construction of Shell Structures, CBS Plublishers, New Delhi, 1996
     3.    S. Timoshenko & S. Woinowsky – Krieger, “Theory of Plates and Shells”, McGraw Hill Book Company
    1.     Szilard R, Theory and analysis of plates, Prentice Hall Inc, 1995
    2.     Chatterjee B. K., Theory and Design of Concrete Shells, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1998
    3.     Billington D. P., Thin Shell Concrete Structures, McGraw-Hill, 1995
CE1025                         TALL BUILDINGS                                                    3  0  0  100
At the end of this course the student should have understood the problems associated with large heights of structures with respect to loads (wind and earthquake and deflections of the structure). He should know the rudimentary principles of designing tall buildings as per the existing course.
1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                                          9
The Tall Building in the Urban Context - The Tall Building and its Support Structure - Development of High Rise Building Structures - General Planning Considerations.
Dead Loads - Live Loads-Construction Loads -Snow, Rain, and Ice Loads - Wind Loads-Seismic Loading –Water and Earth Pressure Loads - Loads - Loads Due to Restrained Volume Changes of Material - Impact and Dynamic Loads - Blast Loads -Combination of Loads.                                                                                     
2.         THE VERTICAL STRUCTURE PLANE                                                                          9
Dispersion of Vertical Forces- Dispersion of Lateral Forces - Optimum Ground Level Space - Shear Wall Arrangement - Behaviour of Shear Walls under Lateral Loading. The Floor Structure or Horizontal Building Plane Floor Framing Systems-Horizontal Bracing- Composite Floor Systems The High - Rise Building as related to assemblage Kits Skeleton Frame Systems - Load Bearing Wall Panel Systems - Panel – Frame Systems - Multistory Box Systems.                                               
3.         COMMON HIGH-RISE BUILDING STRUCTURES AND THEIR BEHAVIOUR UNDER LOAD                                                                                                                                 9
The Bearing Wall Structure- The Shear Core Structure - Rigid Frame Systems- The Wall - Beam Structure: Interspatial and Staggered Truss Systems - Frame - Shear Wall Building Systems - Flat Slab Building Structures - Shear Truss - Frame Interaction System with Rigid - Belt Trusses - Tubular Systems-Composite Buildings - Comparison of High - Rise Structural Systems Other Design Approaches Controlling Building Drift Efficient Building Forms - The Counteracting Force or Dynamic Response.                                                                                                       
Approximate Analysis of Bearing Wall Buildings The Cross Wall Structure - The Long Wall Structure The Rigid Frame Structure Approximate Analysis for Vertical Loading - Approximate Analysis for Lateral Loading - Approximate Design of Rigid Frame Buildings-Lateral Deformation of Rigid Frame Buildings The Rigid Frame - Shear Wall Structure - The Vierendeel Structure - The Hollow Tube Structure.       
5.         OTHER HIGH-RISE BUILDING STRUCTURE                                                                9
Deep - Beam Systems -High-Rise Suspension Systems - Pneumatic High -Rise Buildings - Space Frame Applied to High - Rise Buildings - Capsule Architecture.
TOTAL : 45  
1.         WOLFGANG SCHUELLER " High - rise building Structures", John Wiley and Sons.
2.         Bryan Stafford Smith and Alex Coull, " Tall Building Structures ", Analysis and Design, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1991.
1.         COULL, A. and SMITH, STAFFORD, B. " Tall Buildings ", Pergamon Press, London, 1997.
2.         LinT.Y. and Burry D.Stotes, " Structural Concepts and Systems for Architects and Engineers ", John Wiley, 1994.
3.         Lynn S.Beedle, Advances in Tall Buildings, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1996.
4.         Taranath.B.S., Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings, Mc Graw Hill 1998.


CE1026                           STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS                                     3  0  0  100

At the end of this course the student is expected to know how to arrive at the dynamic forces and structures, how to idealise the structure into systems of reduced number of degrees of freedom and analyse these systems for the forces. He should also be able to interpret the results.

1.   Difference between static loading and dynamic loading – Nature of dynamic loads – Wind, Earthquake and Impact Loads – Damping – Viscous and structural damping – single degree of freedom (SDOF) Systems – Formulation of equation of motion – Newton’s Law and D’Alembert’s principles – Examples of SDOF modeling.                                               9
      2.   Free vibration response of SDOF system – Response of undamped and damped SDOF system to harmonic excitation – characteristic of resonance – Response to impulse and an arbitrary forcing function – Duhamel Integral formulation.                                                  9 
     3.    MDOF systems – examples – Lumped parameter model – Formulation of equation of motion – Free vibration of MDOF systems as Eigen value problem – concept of mode shapes and natural frequencies – 2 DOF example – orthogonal properties of normal modes.                      9
4.   Harmonic excitation of 2 DOF system – Principle of mode superposition (principle only) for dynamic analysis – vibration isolation – vibration measuring instruments.                        9
5.   Effect of wind and earthquake on structures – Principles of aseismic design – Methods of vibration control – codal provisions for design for wind and earthquake (explanation of provisions only – no design)                                                                                           9
                                                                                                            TOTAL : 45
1.   Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics Theory and Computation, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992
      2.   Anil K.Chopra, “Dynamics of Structures Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering” Pearson Education., 2003.
     1.    Thomson W.T., Theory of Vibration and Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 1992
     2.    Clough R.W. and Penzien, J., Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill, 1990
     3.    Craig R.R. Jr., Structural Dynamics – An Introduction to Computer Methods, John Wiley  and Sons, 1981

CE1027                          PREFABRICATED STRUCTURES                                        3  0  0  100

At the end of this course the student shall be able to appreciate modular construction, industrialised construction and shall be able to design some of the prefabricated elements and also have the knowledge of the construction methods using these elements.
1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                                          9
Need for prefabrication – Principles – Materials – Modular coordination – Standarization – Systems – Production – Transportation – Erection.
2.         PREFABRICATED COMPONENTS                                                                              9
Behaviour of structural components – Large panel constructions – Construction of roof and floor slabs – Wall panels – Columns – Shear walls
3.         DESIGN PRINCIPLES                                                                                                 9
Disuniting of structures- Design of cross section based on efficiency of material used – Problems in design because of joint flexibility – Allowance for joint deformation.
4.         JOINT IN STRUCTURAL MEMBERS                                                                           9
Joints for different structural connections – Dimensions and detailing – Design of expansion joints
5.         DESIGN FOR ABNORMAL LOADS                                                                              9
Progressive collapse – Code provisions – Equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects such as earthquakes, cyclones, etc., - Importance of avoidance of progressive collapse.
TOTAL : 45
1.         CBRI, Building materials and components, India, 1990
2.         Gerostiza C.Z., Hendrikson C. and Rehat D.R., Knowledge based process planning for construction and manufacturing, Academic Press Inc., 1994
1.         Koncz T., Manual of precast concrete construction, Vols. I, II and III, Bauverlag, GMBH,   1971.
2.         Structural design manual, Precast concrete connection details, Society for the studies in the use of precast concrete, Netherland Betor Verlag, 1978.

CE1028                               WIND ENGINEERING                                     3  0  0  100

At the end of this course the student should be able to appreciate the forces generated on structures due to normal wind as well as gusts. He should also be able to analyse the dynamic effects created by these wind forces.

1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                                          9
Terminology – Wind Data – Gust factor and its determination  - Wind speed variation with height – Shape factor – Aspect ratio – Drag and lift.
2.         EFFECT OF WIND ON STRUCTURES                                                                          9
Static effect – Dynamic effect – Interference effects (concept only) – Rigid structure – Aeroelastic structure (concept only).
3.         EFFECT ON TYPICAL STRUCTURES                                                                          9
Tail buildings – Low rise buildings – Roof and cladding – Chimneys, towers and bridges.
4.         Application to Design                                                                                         9
Design forces on multistorey building, towers and roof trusses.
5.         Introduction to wind Tunnel                                                                             9           
Types of models (Principles only) – Basic considerations – Examples of tests and their use.

TOTAL : 45
1.         Peter Sachs, “Wind Forces in Engineering, Pergamon Press, New York, 1992.
2.         Lawson T.V., Wind Effects on Buildings, Vols. I and II, Applied Science and Publishers, London, 1993.

1.         Devenport A.G., “Wind Loads on Structures”, Division of Building Research, Ottowa, 1990.
2.         Wind Force on Structures – Course Notes, Building Technology Centre, Anna University, 1995.

CE1029             COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN OF STRUCTURE                           3  0  0  100

The main objective of this programme is to train the student in the use of computers and creating a computer code as well as using commercially available software for the design of Civil Engineering structures.
1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                                9
Fundamentals of CAD - Hardware and software requirements -Design process - Applications and benefits.
2.         COMPUTER GRAPHICS                                                                                    9
Graphic primitives - Transformations -Wire frame modeling and solid modeling -Graphic standards –Drafting packages
3.         STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS                                                                                 9
Fundamentals of finite element analysis - Principles of structural analysis -Analysis packages and applications.
4.         DESIGN AND OPTIMISATION                                                                           9
Principles of design of steel and RC Structures -Applications to simple design problems – Optimisation techniques - Algorithms - Linear Programming – Simplex method

5.         EXPERT SYSTEMS                                                                                          9
Introduction to artificial intelligence - Knowledge based expert systems -Rules and decision tables –Inference mechanisms - Simple applications.
TOTAL : 45
1.   Groover M.P. and Zimmers E.W. Jr., “CAD/CAM, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 1993.
2.         Krishnamoorthy C.S.Rajeev S., “Computer Aided Design”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1993
1.         Harrison H.B., “Structural Analysis and Design”, Part I and II Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990.
2.         Rao S.S., “Optimisation Theory and Applications”, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1977.
3.   Richard Forsyth (Ed), “Expert System Principles and Case Studies”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1989.

CE1030             PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURES                             3  0  0  100

At the end of this course the student shall have a knowledge of methods of prestressing, advantages of prestressing concrete, the losses involved and the design methods for prestressed concrete elements under codal provisions.
1.         INTRODUCTION – THEORY AND BEHAVIOUR                                      9
Basic concepts – Advantages – Materials required – Systems and methods of prestressing – Analysis of sections – Stress concept – Strength concept – Load balancing concept – Effect of loading on the tensile stresses in tendons – Effect of tendon profile on deflections – Factors influencing deflections – Calculation of deflections – Short term and long term deflections - Losses of prestress – Estimation of crack width
2.         DESIGN                                                                                                            9
Flexural strength – Simplified procedures as per codes – strain compatibility method – Basic concepts in selection of cross section for bending – stress distribution in end block, Design of anchorage zone reinforcement – Limit state design criteria – Partial prestressing – Applications.
3.         CIRCULAR PRESTRESSING                                                                             9
Design of prestressed concrete tanks – Poles and sleepers
4.         COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION                                                              9
Analysis for stresses – Estimate for deflections – Flexural and shear strength of composite members
5.         PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGES                                                            9
General aspects – pretensioned prestressed bridge decks – Post tensioned prestressed bridge decks – Principles of design only.
TOTAL : 45
1.         Krishna Raju N., Prestressed concrete, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi 1998
2.         Mallic S.K. and Gupta A.P., Prestressed concrete, Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 1997.

1.         Ramaswamy G.S., Modern prestressed concrete design, Arnold Heinimen, New Delhi, 1990
2.         Lin T.Y. Design of prestressed concrete structures, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1995.
3.         David A.Sheppard, William R. and Philips, Plant Cast precast and prestressed concrete – A design guide, McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1992.

 CE1031                        INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES                                          3  0  0  100

This course deals with some of the special aspects with respect to Civil Engineering structures in industries. At the end of this course the student shall be able to design some of the structures.
1.         PLANNING                                                                                                       9
Classification of Industries and Industrial structures – General requirements for industries like cement, chemical and steel plants – Planning and layout of buildings and components.
2.         FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS                                                                        9
Lighting – Ventilation – Accounts – Fire safety – Guidelines from factories act.
3.         DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES                                                                   9
Industrial roofs – Crane girders – Mill buildings – Design of Bunkers and Silos
4.         DESIGN OF R.C. STRUCTURES                                                                        9
Silos and bunkers – Chimneys – Principles of folded plates and shell roofs
5.         PREFABRICATION                                                                                           9
Principles of prefabrication – Prestressed precast roof trusses- Functional requirements for Precast concrete units
TOTAL : 45
1.         Reinforced Concrete Structural elements – P. Purushothaman
2.         Pasala Dayaratnam – Design of Steel Structure - 1990

1.         Henn W. Buildings for Industry, vols.I and II, London Hill Books, 1995
2.         Handbook on Functional Requirements of Industrial buildings, SP32 – 1986, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi 1990
3.         Course Notes on Modern Developments in the Design and Construction of Industrial Structures, Structural Engineering Research Centre, Madras, 1982
4.            Koncz, J, Manual of Precast Construction Vol I & II Bauverlay GMBH, 1971.

CE1032             SMART STRUCTURES AND SMART MATERIALS                     3  0  0  100


This course is designed to give an insight into the latest developments regarding smart materials and their use in structures. Further, this also deals with structures which can self adjust their stiffness with load.

1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                                9
Introduction to Smart Materials and Structures – Instrumented structures functions and response – Sensing systems – Self diagnosis – Signal processing consideration – Actuation systems and effectors.                                                                                                
2.         MEASURING TECHNIQUES                                                                              9
Strain Measuring Techniques using Electrical strain gauges, Types – Resistance – Capacitance – Inductance – Wheatstone bridges – Pressure transducers – Load cells – Temperature Compensation – Strain Rosettes.      
3.         SENSORS                                                                                                        9
Sensing Technology – Types of Sensors – Physical Measurement using Piezo Electric Strain measurement – Inductively Read Transducers – The LVOT – Fiber optic Techniques.
Chemical and Bio-Chemical sensing in structural Assessment – Absorptive chemical sensors – Spectroscopes – Fibre Optic Chemical Sensing Systems and Distributed measurement.                                 
4.         ACTUATORS                                                                                                    9
Actuator Techniques – Actuator and actuator materials – Piezoelectric and Electrostrictive Material – Magnetostructure Material – Shape Memory Alloys – Electro orheological Fluids– Electro magnetic actuation – Role of actuators and Actuator Materials.                       
5.         SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS                                            9
Data Acquisition and Processing – Signal Processing and Control for Smart Structures – Sensors as Geometrical Processors – Signal Processing – Control System – Linear and Non-Linear.                                                                                                  
TOTAL : 45 
            TEXT BOOKS
1.         Brain Culshaw – Smart Structure and Materials Artech House – Borton. London-1996.
1.         L. S. Srinath – Experimental Stress Analysis – Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998.
2.   J. W. Dally & W. F. Riley – Experimental Stress Analysis – Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998.

CE1033             FINITE ELEMENT TECHNIQUES                                   3  1  0  100
At the end of this course the student shall have a basic knowledge of finite element method and shall be able to analyse linear elastic structures, that he has studied about in core courses, using finite element method.
1.         INTRODUCTION – VARIATIONAL FORMULATION                                             8
General field problems in Engineering – Modelling – Discrete and Continuous models – Characteristics – Difficulties involved in solution – The relevance and place of the finite element method – Historical comments – Basic concept of FEM, Boundary and initial value problems – Gradient and divergence theorems – Functionals – Variational calculus – Variational formulation of VBPS. The method of weighted residuals – The Ritz method.
2.         Finite Element Analysis of one Dimensional Problems       8
One dimensional second order equations – discretisation of domain into elements – Generalised coordinates approach – derivation of elements equations – assembly of elements equations – imposition of boundary conditions – solution of equations – Cholesky method – Post processing – Extension of the method to fourth order equations and their solutions – time dependant problems and their solutions – example from heat transfer, fluid flow and solid mechanics.
3.         Finite Element Analysis of Two Dimensional Problems      8
Second order equation involving a scalar-valued function – model equation – Variational formulation – Finite element formulation through generalised coordinates approach – Triangular elements and quadrilateral elements – convergence criteria for chosen models – Interpolation functions – Elements matrices and vectors – Assembly of element matrices – boundary conditions – solution techniques.
4.         Isoparametric Elements and formulation                                         7
Natural coordinates in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions – use of area coordinates for triangular elements in - 2 dimensional problems – Isoparametric elements in 1,2 and 3 dimensional – Largrangean and serendipity elements – Formulations of elements equations in one and two dimensions  - Numerical integration.
5.         Applications to field problems in two dimensionalS                      7
Equations of elasticity – plane elasticity problems – axisymmetric problems in elasticity – Bending of elastic plates – Time dependent problems in elasticity – Heat – transfer in two dimensions – incompressible fluid flow.
6.         Introduction to advanced topics (not for examination purpose)                                                                                                                                    7
Three dimensional problems – Mixed formulation – use of software packages like NISA, ANSYS OR NASTRAN.
TOTAL : 45
            TEXT BOOK
1.         Chandrupatla, T.R., and Belegundu, A.D., “Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, India, 2003
1.         J.N.Reddy, “An Introduction to Finite Element Method”, McGraw-Hill, Intl. Student Edition, 1985.
2.         Zienkiewics, “The finite element method, Basic formulation and linear problems”, Vol.1,    4/e, McGraw-Hill, Book Co.
3.         S.S.Rao, “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, Pergaman Press, 2003.
4.         C.S.Desai and J.F.Abel, “Introduction to the Finite Element Method”, Affiliated East West Press, 1972.

CE1034                     EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING             3  0   0  100
To provide a basic understanding of dynamic loading. Study the effect of earthquake loading on the behaviour of structures. Understand the codal provisions to design the structures as earthquake resistant.                   
1. SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS                                                      9
Formulation of equation of motion, Free and forced vibrations, Damping, Types of Damping – Damped and undamped vibrations, Response to dynamic loading.
2. MODAL ANALYSIS                                                                                                    9
Free and forced vibration of undamped and damped MDOF systems. Equation of motions, Evaluation of natural frequencies and modes, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
3. INTRODUCTION TO EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING                                       9
Elements of Engineering Seismology, Characteristics of Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake History, Indian Seismicity.
4. BEHAVIOUR OF STRUCTURES AND SOIL                                                                   9
Performance of structures under past earthquakes, Lessons learnt from past earthquakes – soil liquefaction - Soil – Structure – Interaction (SSI) effects.
5. EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT DESIGN                                                                  9
Concept of Earthquake Resistant Design, Provisions of Seismic Code IS 1893
(Part I), Response Spectrum, Design Spectrum, Design of Buildings, Reinforcement Detailing, Provisions of IS 13920.
                                                                                                                    TOTAL:L = 45
  1. Agarwal and Shrikhande, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Prentice Hall of India, 2007
  2. Clough R.W, and Penzien J, Dynamics of Structures, Second Edition, Mc Graw – Hill International Edition, 1993
  1. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics – Theory and Computations, Third       Edition, CBS publishers, 1990.
  2. Chandrasekharan, “Earthquake Engineering”,
  3. Minoru Wakabayashi, “ Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings”, Mc- Graw Hill Book Company, New York, 1986
  4. Humar J L “Dynamics of Structures”, Prentice Hall, 1990.
  5. Anil K Chopra, “Dynamics of structures – Theory and applications to Earthquake Engineering”, Prentice Hall Inc., 2001.
  6. C V R Moorthy, “Earthquake Tips”, NICEE, IIT Kanpur, 2004

                                                                                                                        3 0 0 100
To get the knowledge on quality of concrete, durability aspects, causes of deterioration, assessment of distressed structures, repairing of structures and demolition procedures.
1. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR STRATEGIES                                                     8
Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation, Facets of Maintenance, importance of Maintenance various aspects of Inspection, Assessment procedure for evaluating
a damaged structure, causes of deterioration.
2. SERVICEABILITY AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE                                  12
Quality assurance for concrete construction concrete properties – strength, permeability, thermal properties and cracking. – Effects due to climate, temperature, chemicals, corrosion – design and construction errors – Effects of cover thickness and cracking
3. MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES FOR REPAIR                                               15
Special concretes and mortar, concrete chemicals, special elements for accelerated strength gain, Expansive cement, polymer concrete, sulphur infiltrated concrete, ferro cement, Fibre reinforced concrete. Rust eliminators and polymers coating for rebars during repair, foamed concrete, mortar and dry pack, vacuum concrete, Gunite and Shotcrete, Epoxy injection, Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and underpinning. Methods of corrosion protection, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion resistant steels, coating and cathodic protection.
Repairs to overcome low member strength, Deflection, Cracking, Chemical disruption, weathering corrosion, wear, fire, leakage and marine exposure.
5. DEMOLITION TECHNIQUES                                                                                   4
Engineered demolition techniques for Dilapildated structures – case studies
                                                                                                                    TOTAL:L = 45
  1. Denison Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, Concrete Structures, Materials, Maintenance and Repair, Longman Scientific and Technical UK, 1991.
  2. R.T.Allen and S.C.Edwards, Repair of Concrete structures, Blakie and Sons, UK, 1987

  1. M.S.Shetty, Concrete Technology – Theory and Practice, S.Chand and Company, New Delhi, 1992.
  2. Santhakumar, A.R., Training Course notes on Damage Assessment and repairs in Low Cost Housing, “RHDC – NBO” Anna University, July 1992.
  3. Raikar, R.., Learning from failures – Deficiencies in Design, Construction and Service – R & D centre (SDCPL), Raikar Bhavan, Bombay, 1987.
  4. N.Palaniappan, Estate Management, Anna Institute of Management, Chennai, 1992.
  5. Lakshmipathy, M. etal. Lecture notes of Workshop on “Repairs and Rehabilitation of Structures”, 29 -30th October 1999.



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