March 11, 2010

2009 Anna University B.E Electrical and Electronics EE340 - MICRO PROCESSOR AND APPLICATIONS Question paper

Time: 3hrs. Max Marks: 100

Answer all Questions
PART – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Distinguish between wait state and bus idle condition.
What is the need for timing diagram?
3. What is the function of queue in 8086 microprocessor?
4. What is the advantage of using an internal register for temporary data storage
over the memory location?
5. What are the features of 8051 micro controller?
6. What is the function of watch dog timer in 8096 micro controller?
7. Mention the advantage of memory mapped I/O.
8. What is meant by multiplexed scanned seven segment LED display interfacing?
9. What is the need for 8254 programmable interval timer and mention its
10. What are the functions performed by the Intel 8251 USART?

PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11. Draw the functional block diagram 8031 microcontroller and explain the
function of each block. (16)

12.a)i) Draw the organization of a 8085 based micro computer system and explain.
ii) Explain the various addressing modes in 8085 processor. (6)


12.b)i) Draw and discuss the timing diagram for memory read operation of 8085
processor. (8)
ii) Explain the different techniques used for interfacing I/O devices with 8085
processor. State the merits and demerits of each. (8)

13.a)i) How is pipelined architecture implemented in 8086 processor? (10)
ii) Draw and explain the memory structure of 8086 processor. (6)


13.b) Draw the complete schematic of 8086 processor memory interface in minimum
mode with the following specification.
i. 16K of EPROM
ii. 32K of RAM. Also indicate the address map. (Use separate chip for odd
and even memory) (16)

14.a)i) Design a seven segment LED output port with device address F5 H, using a
74LS138 3-to-8 decoder, a 74LS20 4 input NAND gate, a 74LS02 NOR gate and
a common anode seven segment LED. (10)
ii) Compare memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O structure. (6)


14.b) Interface DAC 0808 with 8085, use 8255 PPI as a parallel port to send digital
data to DAC. Write a program to generate square wave using the above hardware.

15.a)i) What are the over heads associated with interrupt driven input-output and how are
they reached using DMA? (4)
ii) Explain the operation of 8257 direct memory access controller with its
functional block diagram.


15.b) Explain the need and the features of the following ICs: (16)
(i) The Intel 8259 – Programmable Interrupt Controller. (ii) The Intel 8279 –
Key board/ Display controller.



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